Ours is still at the doctors office :( Central Heat & Air blower motor shot... dome/skylight in shower cracked and leaked :(

Make sure y'all hit the trail early and try to complete all hikes by lunchtime. That way you don't miss any activity. Plus you'll be done before it gets too hot during the day.

Hiked in over the Tooth 3 times. Carrying extra water is not that great of a burden at the end of the trip. Food will be a minimum so extra room in packs.

Yeah, done plenty of solo backpacking. Like I said, fishing for ideas for something new

Planned an overnight at Providence Canyon and buddy backed out. I've done AT to Smokies, BMT first 40 miles, all of the Pine Mountain Trail at FDR, Providence Canyon, so was just fishing for ideas

1) cream cheese

2) eggs (Smoky devils is what the wife calls the deviled eggs she makes with them)

3) cauliflower

4) stuffed jalapenos

Kindle Scribe

Does help proof reading count? Currently proof reading 26 books for Project Gutenburg.

On Kindle, 5 books currently

Kindle Scribe

I read on a paperwhite & a scribe. They are different devices for different purposes. I actually love reading on the scribe. I go 2 columns landscape and it is like holding open a book. I prefer it at home, paperwhite is my travel book.

I've played with the pen, but mostly I just read on it.

Cave diving 23 years now. Teaching cave diving for 18 years. Follow the basic rules and it is safe, IF YOU ARE TRAINED HOW TO SURVIVE IN THE ENVIRONMENT.

Kindle Scribe


I kinda read a lot

Kindle Scribe

I fail at waiting to upgrade. My wife says I update every 2 years

Kindle Scribe

I have 7 (counting 2 fires)

1 for wife 1 for mom 1 to loan books with 1 scribe for reading at home 1 for taking when traveling

7" fire for traveling 10" HD fire for home

I use the fire tablets for reading graphic novels & comic books

Kindle Scribe

Reading multiple books (on different kindles depending upon mood)

A Faint Cold Fear -- Karin Slaughter

Starship for Rent 2 -- M.R. Forbes

He Who Fights with Monsters -- Travis Deverell

Book 7 Dungeon Crawler Carl -- Matt Dinniman

The Spy Coast -- Tess Gerritsen

Font: Bookerly

Size: Glasses 7, No Glasses 12

I guess I read a lot
