Fuck room temperature water and warm water. It can be below freezing and I'll still need my water cold.

Upvoting, obviously 😂

I know plenty of men 40 and older who are repulsed by the idea of dating women half their age. And of course many are the complete opposite.

It's the same for women. Some like their men younger, some are grossed out by younger men. Some (including myself, although I'm not 40 yet) find younger guys attractive in a "he's pleasant to look at" kind of way, but are repulsed by the idea of dating them.

I think it just depends on the individual - how oily your scalp is. I wash my hair when it starts to get greasy. Normally that happens at the 48-hour-ish mark from my last wash. In the winter sometimes I can go for a day longer. Unless it's been super hot and humid and I've been exercising, daily washing would be too much for me as my scalp would still be pretty dry after 24 hours.

I almost never shave my thighs. My hair there is so fine they're pretty much invisible on my dark-ish skin. On the rare occasions that I do, I shave everything. I think it has more to do with my OCD/perfectionism more than anything else 😂.

Offend me, no.

Make me think you're one of those ignorant/uncultured people who think every East Asian looking person is Chinese, yes.

Nope. It just feels more like a shitshow because your standards are higher and your tolerance for shitshows are lower. In my early 30s now, I definitely think I enjoyed dating a lot more 10 years ago, but then I thought of the guys I dated back then, cringed really hard, and realized my early 20s was a dating shitshow, I just didn't know it then.


I don't have to teach anyone, that's the beauty of not obsessing with virginty.

See what I mean. You have one partner who happens to be teachable. The world is full of people who suck in bed, it's great for you that you didn't meet them. Or maybe you're just easy to please. Either way, good for you.

Edit: that line about being hotter and more successful is a bit weird man. The fact that you prefer inexperienced partners say a lot about you than you think. But please feel free to tell yourself what you need to stroke that ego.

Nobody is disregarding anyone. We just call it what it is: inexperienced = bad sex. Bad sex is not enjoyable. That's it, that's the whole point, there's nothing more to it.

Nobody should be pressured into having sex, but also nobody should be put on a pedestal because they have never had sex.

Not everyone can be taught everything. Not everyone will be sexually compatible with you no matter how hard you try, due to both physical and psychological factors. Thinking you have a lifetime to teach them, so who cares if the sex is terrible, is incredibly naive and a recipe for a terrible marriage. And I can only assume you don't have much experience yourself.

What don't you understand? "Virginity" means a complete lack of experience. Nobody wants to have sex with someone with zero experience (it's guaranteed bad sex), unless they have zero experience themselves and don't want the pressure. Considering virginity an upside, imo, is weird and creepy af.

The people who do are the people who you want to stay as far away from as possible.

What I don't understand is why is there only one picture of this beauty??? WE DEMAND MORE PICTURES!!!

If you live in a humid tropical place, you'll know that ANYTHING can get moldy.

Still better than having a boob banging on the door handle 😭 - from a fellow 157cm/5''2

It's because people were shorter back then to begin with. Some of them had the "tall genes" but they manifested in shorter heights (still very tall compared to their peers). They still pass on the tall genes to their descendants, who became the tall young people you see. Then of course old people do shrink as well.


I do find going on on first dates mentally exhausting, but not for the same reason. Anyway, you're young, so maybe you just haven't realized that not all dates have to be this way. Stop getting yourself involved with people like this (not that's there's anything wrong with them per se, it's just that there's clearly incompatible expectations). You mentioned you've gone one multiple dates with some of these girls. Stop doing that. If on the first date you see a tendency you don't like, don't go out with them again. It's really that simple. A date where one has to carry the whole conversation is an exhausting date. It shouldn't be that way.

Edit to say I'm a woman in my early 30s. I've been on too many boring first dates. I live by the principle that if the conversation doesn't flow naturally on the first date, there will be no second date.

I'm a woman (not Japanese) but if a dude is only free to meet every 3-4 weeks, we'd stop dating after 3 dates because I'd lose my interest and patience by then. And I'd probably already be dating someone else. Yes I have a busy full time job, friends, family, hobbies, all the usual stuff. Hope that helps.

Jeez, I would have noped my way out of this fucked up group a long time ago.

No, not at all. They're not like this. Your dance scene is weird.

No, it means you might not enjoy dancing with them at all, or you do but at a normal level. Two songs or more means you enjoy it at an exceptional level. It rarely happens, tbh. I'm a female follow, and I've noticed that most of the time when a guy asks for a second dance it's because they're interested in you in a different way lol. The ones who REALLY enjoy dancing with you and would love a second dance will still part ways after the first song, but come back for a second very quickly.

I always thought women like this only existed in trashy Hollywood movies...

I'm a (straight) woman so not qualified to answer OP's question. But this answer right here is a gender-neutral answer. It's basically the conversation.

Everywhere I've lived in, it's one song. Funny enough, one of the places I've lived in is Germany - always one song. Two songs or more means you really enjoy dancing with them.

Yeah I'm not sure what everyone's on about either. Why do we have so many people with shitty water pressure at home congregated on this thread? 😂