I don't mind the Bean signing, but can still appreciate a quality meme when I see one.

Imagine if we bring Greer back, too.

This is very low risk, no idea why people hate it so much. He's making less than $2million a year. If he is a servicable bottom pairing defenseman for us this is great. If not, it's only for two seasons.

I swear some of you want to tank until the second we sign players you didn't want.

Standard Conroy W. Dude just doesn't miss.

Not to mention we still have some RFAs to sign, most notably Wolf. Nothing wrong with leaving some cap space on the table.

Brannstrom in particular could still be a piece when we are ready to compete if he works out, too. I definitely think he's a guy Conroy will be looking at.

Monahan is legitimately the perfect fit for this team right now. He's a center, and his work ethic would be a great thing for our young guys coming up to watch and learn from.

With the news from today, I think Brannstrom would be a good fit to fill out LD. We need the position, and he's still young enough to potentially be a piece that's still here when we're ready to compete if he works out.

I also wouldn't hate signing Stamoks for a few seasons as a mentor for our younger guys, though I think it is unlikely we would win the bidding on that one.

Same reason he did with Montreal. Build stock for a deadline deal to a contender. Not that I think he needs to do that now necessarily, but I think there are players who could potentially have this mindset.

Yeah anyone drafting Tij knows damn well who his father is. The pressure on Tij is his last name, not what team he's playing for.

Gotta love seeing the yearly post of this gif. I was getting worried there for a second.

I know fanbases overvalue their own players but this is something else. Love every second of it.

But based on board state that isn't a lie, it's public information. You know what else is public information? Him having untapped islands and cards in hand. You are not required to disclose cards in your hand, it's a hidden zone for a reason. You attacked a superfriends deck which is obviously going to have planeswalker protection.

His opponent misplayed, plain and simple. It is not disingenuous to keep private information private. Otherwise the game would be played with hands revealed, and at that point what's the point of having a hand at all?

Yeah but he had open mana and cards in hand, which is public information. If he's playing a superfriends deck it is pretty reasonable to assume it has ways of protecting his planewalkers.

This is why all you have to say is "I have nothimg on board that can stop this, no". There's a reason hands aren't public knowledge. His opponent made the choice to attack a planeswalker in a superfriends deck while the owner of said planeswalker had mana up and cards in hand. If it were me, I'd assume a superfriends deck has ways to protect their planeswalkers.

His opponent misplayed, simple as that.

Completely agree. He has no reason to disclose his hand. His opponent attacked the hardest planeswalker to kill when the owner of said planeswalker had mana open and cards in hand. If I'm playing a superfriends deck you better believe I have ways of protecting my planeswalkers.

His opponent misplayed, nothing more and nothing less.

I legitimately think Bard is the most versatile class in the game, and it is also my favourite. You can build them so many different ways that you can have a completely different character every time you make one.

Favourite subclass is a tie between Lore and Eloquence. Lore for the huge caster potential and Eloquence for being probably the best face in the game.

Your hand is secret for a reason. I will always explain everything I can do on board because my opponents can read those cards anyway. There's always a risk when you attack an opponent who has mana open that they have something in your hand.

I think he's just mad his attack didn't work. You are not obligated to share the cards you have in your hand, otherwise there wouldn't be a point in having a hand.

Really curious what the misread here is. Have I been playing this card wrong this whole time?

Given how a ton of people in this subreddit can't seem to handle a single loss, I don't know how they'd be able to handle a rebuild.

I'm a Flames fan ride or die, and while I am not yet of the opinion a full rebuild is necessary (though a re-tool definitely is), if that's the plan then I'm fine with it.

Ah, gotcha. I definitely thought you were talking about Chet. That makes more sense.

Definitely think he keeps it, but I also think he calls out most of the Hells for not trusting him over someone who was clearly in the wrong. I think Chetney is probably the only one that fully had his back during that whole scenario. Everyone else was either neutral or on Laudna's side for the most part.

It'll be an interesting next episode to see how this resolves.