I’m playing a super friends deck and I have [[radstorm]] in hand for instant speed proliferation. My [[Ugin, the spirit dragon]] was at 4 loyalty and I had two other planes walkers at 1 loyalty. My opponent had a 4/4 flyer that I couldn’t block.

When choosing which of my planeswalkers to attack, I said that my opponent could technically kill any of my planeswalkers. They chose to attack my 4-loyalty Ugin, which I then responded with Radstorm to help it survive.

Another opponent said I was disingenuous and dishonest about the attacks, knowing that my Ugin wouldn’t die.

I’m okay with disclosing my board state, but I don’t feel the need to give my opponents hints on what’s in my hand.

So am I in the wrong here or were they being salty?

Update: Thanks everyone for the input. It appears from the general consensus that I could have been more judicious with my word choice or not say anything at all during that stage.

I do come from more competitive 60-card formats and have just begun playing commander in the last 4 months.

I also would admit that my deck-choice probably wasn’t the best at that time as everyone not everyone enjoys playing against planeswalkers, to which the same opponent muttered, but still clearly audible: “It’s not fun when you don’t let people play.”

The next game, I just went with a [[giada, font of hope]] deck and let everyone do their thing, though that’s not my preferred play style. It worked out in the end.