God what construction job drug tests for drugs seriously lol

Camping this weekend?Question

Honestly just looking for a good camp site this weekend. I’m aware that everyone will be camping this coming weekend but a point in the right direction for me my wife and the dog would be appreciated. Primitive is fine but at the moment my truck is out of commission so we only have the audi so limited on anything off road, thanks in advance

user text is here

Yeah go fuck yourself. Americans are living paycheck to paycheck struggling to put food on the table but you’d rather help some country you didn’t give a fuck about until the media told you to

I mean you might be right but you’re definitely a dick

You learn to deal with it. From personal experience don’t hit the bottle to hard, if I had to live through it again I would just try to get as much sleep as I could for atleast a week

This guy gets it. It’s depressing when you put it in words like that

Ruger lcp. Bought three one came without a rear sight all three couldn’t make it through a mag without a malfunction

Because murder doesn’t exist outside the us

Man I’d like to get one

My wife’s from the u p, it’s awesome up there enjoy it. Go to a fish fry and get some cheese curds lol

That all politicians are cunts.

Man I’d have loved to see that

I just want to protect the gay neighbors weed plants next door with machine guns

Make your own alcohol. Fuck these idiots

It’s just frustrating. I will do next time

CDL pre trip

For context I’m a framer/welder former infantry guy and my back finally gave out. Today I took my second CDL road test and failed the pre trip because I didn’t mention leave springs on my trailer. My trailer doesn’t have leave springs. I tried arguing but the lady just doubled down. This is in Georgia but is this common elsewhere? Like holy shit I mentioned the torque arms air backs shock absorbers etc but this lady failed me for not mentioning non existent leave springs? What am I doing wrong
