RN - Geriatrics 🍕

The real answer is for the family to break up the inheritance. That's why I'm not a mds nurse anymore, I don't really want to know about the money. I just want to make ppl comfortable.

I can't argue w that. Nature might put a stop to it here soon.

You are right. World wide communism is the answer, brother.

Edit- wide from wife

RN - Geriatrics 🍕

Unfortunately. It puts a lot of extra work on the already short staff.
Hospice should pay, imo. I'm a hospice case manager. I used to be MDS. Hospice is making more than the snfs, I think. But, my bosses always acted like we were running at a loss

RN - Geriatrics 🍕

Exactly. Family doesn't want to crack into the inheritance. Many times they are living in the house and it's pretty impossible. It would be a referral to the SW for me.

RN - Geriatrics 🍕

They don't want to pay for a stay. It would eat into their inheritance. The facility gets that skilled money, too

Shitty, unethical situation, I see too much of.

That's fine but we gotta define progressive ideology. Anything that promotes equality, inclusivity and societal progress. I'm glad I'm not someone against wokeism, cause that doesn't seem good.

RN - Geriatrics 🍕

Hospice is provided through Medicare part A. It doesn't have anything to do w insurance. Somebody still thinks they can get better, my guess family.

That's idiotic. Of course it matters. We wouldn't have the supreme court justices we have if ppl voted like their lives depend on it, which they do This is the result when a well motivated minority gains power because of the majority's apathy. And, you aren't helping...

Was I arrogant? Nope. You are being a arrogant asshole, tho Tramadol is still the weakest opiod on the market. That paper only suggests it be controlled like it is in the US and most developed countries.
It seems it wasn't controlled. That will cause problems. It's still an opiod, obviously.

Us 10 percenters get diagnosed later. Ppms. Diagnosed at 43 currently 44

I got, yeah. My line of work. Our scheduling system is messed up. And, I'm using the medical definition of narcotic as opposed to the legal. I don't consider stimulants, narcotics. They are just scheduled meds to me. Benzos and opioids are narcotics for me. And, maybe Lyrica.

It's schedule 4 as opposed to other opioids at 2. It's the safest opiod there is. You could kill more ppl w insulin. I'm a hospice nurse, I deal w more opioids than most nurses. I don't even suggest tramadol because it hardly works.

The Amazon jobs that stuck and would have cost tax payers 3.5 billion? Those jobs? Good

The fashion show where no laws were broken and she paid rental for her dress? Weak

The southern border? You know she represents new York. Why would she need to go there? She isn't putting on a show like republican reps. Heaven forbid.

I got banned from a different musk sub yesterday, also.