Update: she passed the day after posting this.

Go into work today, have a resident in rehab hall who is clearly actively dying. Mottling, agonal labored breathing, bounding pulse, hasn’t ate/drank in days and can’t get medicine in. Non responsive. Poster resident for hospice right? Wrong. They are Medicare A (fuck if I know insurance) and insurance wouldn’t pay for hospice? Ok. I call doc and get an order for comfort meds (Ativan/morphine) cool. Make management aware but apparently this isn’t new. So I see therapy coming with a wheelchair and I had to ask what they think they were doing? “Oh well, uh, management said to get her up because she can’t refuse therapy because she’s med A.” Excuse me? Get this 85 pound skin and bone actively transitioning person up? Absolutely tf not. I go into managements office (for the second time to fight for some type of resolution) and was told exactly that, she can’t afford private pay, she’s Medicare, how is she going to pay blah blah. I made management get tf up out of their comfy office and go look at the resident. “We‘ll call the POA and see what they want to do.” Yea, you will. You’re not getting my resident up. Let her die with dignity!