to hold up after 4 seasons

What? It only has three seasons

:libright2:- Lib-Right

Parental controls exist. It's not about "protecting the children", it's about finding an excuse to increasingly regulate the internet (and regardless, parents should be the one parenting, not the government).


Show me one other pro football league in the world that is an alternative to the NFL on an apples to apples comparison. And I don't mean in pay, I mean inhow the game is actually played. The rules of the sport.

The United Football League exists, consumers just seem to have chosen not to watch it that much.

:libright2:- Lib-Right

Reddit is very popular in Eglin, after all.

many japanese people don't care to make a distinction.

It's called a reborrowing in linguistics. Yes, アニメ can be used to refer to all types of cartoons, but in English, which is the language that we are speaking, the word "anime", which comes from the Japanese term, was invented for a very specific reason.

both sidesing the russian invasion of ukraine

I don't "both sidesing" (support?) the Russian invasion, but that's completely irrelevant to the meaning of the word anime.


People who want to enjoy a hobby are evil, or something of that nature, lol.

this place is for suggestions

Subreddit for anime and manga fans which allows suggestions and requests for anything related to anime and manga subculture.

I hate how out of all these comments, you're the only person to have pointed this out.

There are no "non-Japanese anime". If you like non-Japanese cartoons, that's fine, but don't invade our hobby by falsely pretending to be an anime fan when you'd prefer something else.

:libright2:- Lib-Right

It wasn't even a lib-left that made up orange, no? It was originally watermelon (green on the outside and red on the inside), but then some random commenter (a centrist I think) made orange up.

Simply put, people just enjoy it more than modern western works. It's different from them, and good.

Was it Attack on Titan that triggered you?

No, a lot of people grew up watching anime, such as Pokemon and Beyblade. Apart from that, Death Note has probably made more people fans of anime than AOT did. Anime was already popular by the time it aired, it's just that it's *more* popular now.

:libright2:- Lib-Right

Your religiousness has nothing to do with why I posted that meme lol

In English, "anime" means 日本アニメ. There is no "foreign countries anime", so you might get better results in a different sub.

I guess the non-Japanese cartoon that people here would like the most is Avatar: The Last Airbender, though.

:libright2:- Lib-Right

Do you know what VANK is? You should research that organization.

The way I see it is, the AI will improve over time, yet the localizers have repeatedly made it clear that they will intentionally not improve.

:libright2:- Lib-Right

hardly seems humane to just allow the tortures to keep the spoils of their torture. To allow the war criminals to be rewarded for their crimes.

Numerous infamous war criminals were pardoned (like Shiro Ishii). The vast, vast majority were civilians who had nothing to do with it.

The peace Japan wanted was to basically pretend that they won

Oh, so you're just ignoring what I wrote.

edit: He blocked me LOL

:libright2:- Lib-Right

Both prince Higashikuni Naruhiko and prince Fumimaro Konoe were proactively involved with negotiating surrender terms (see the trip to the Soviet Union and the Itusuyukai organization). The "most humane" option was negotiating with them (which they were willing to do), but feel free to keep getting yourself drunk on that euphoria of self-righteousness.

:libright2:- Lib-Right

Saying that "people are mad about the wrong bombs" implies that people care about killing innocent civilians in the first place, which is apparently not true as evidenced from the replies on the post. But yes, the fire bombing campaign is wildly overlooked, especially for how much havoc it wreaked.

Say that you were doing the equation 2+2. You wouldn't need 4 objects to solve it; using only your deductive reasoning skills you would be able to solve the equation.

This works for more complicated equations too. You wouldn't need to empirically observe what the answer to an equation is in order to solve it, regardless of how long it takes to solve the problem.

:libright2:- Lib-Right

Every criticism of anarchism truly is just a description of the status quo.