i didn’t know they could do this with just a vpn! how do they generate the fake certs for the visited sites that the victim’s browser will accept?

there was a video of some dude talking about how he is in love with his car and bangs it up the tailpipe.

right, they're angry and insulted at "woke liberals" who want them to change their ways and beliefs and who they think of as looking down on them - and they see a MAGA triumph as retribution for that perceived disdain. That's why they talk so much about "liberal tears" and don't care what the final society would look like as long as it hurts the "liberals."

"Don't let your elected representatives vote to regulate us, or we'll punitively charge you for things!"

I mean, I guess it's fine, if you're ok with generic instead of artisanal curated avocado toast.

Don't know about this one but there really are tons of places where it's just completely useless land, and it is so terrible it's not even worth paying the property taxes on. It could be a rectangle of sand and scrub in a godforsaken desert with nothing but the occasional tumbleweed for miles, no water, no utilities, nothing nearby. All you could do if you owned it, realistically, would be go out there and camp on it overnight and enjoy the scenic vistas of burning meth labs out on the horizon.

you could use PRAW in a human-controlled interactive reddit client, not just as a bot or script. Then it'd be legitimate to allow the user to upvote with it.

Yeah, realistically they are not concerning themselves with individual people's issues, especially if there is no major financial loss. It's a thing that gets thrown around on reddit a lot but it's not realistic.

I feel like it should model the level of caution that's historically (but maybe not recently) gone into engineering and software for passenger aircraft. But it'll never happen, because it would "slow development too much." Which it would, but honestly it probably should. It could still be done, and done properly, but it would be expensive and cut into profit.

maybe they think they can save bandwidth by streaming low framerate video and smoothing it locally?

combination of the annoyance of dealing with the average idiot, and the fact that the job attracts people who enjoy a little power and contempt for the "public".

Jesus christ why do they spend so much time and energy thinking about male homosexuality?? Rhetorical question, I know why.

It's possible, but more likely I think it's something like "I have a unique opportunity to benefit myself, it would be foolish to pass it up."


People with a pathological need to take charge of everything, even things that are already taken care of.

That being said, they are a regulated financial institution and are required to have a tiered backup plan in place.

Having been on the backend side of stuff like this a bit, it's amazing how much companies can fudge their compliance with regulations and audits like this and get away with it. I hope it's not the case here, but I suppose if they had a well engineered and well rehearsed backup/restore system they'd have already used it.

still beats being aimless and depressed with a shitty job you have to keep going to.

This is getting into "let's get this out on a tray" territory here.

not a mortgage, but I got an email from patelco yesterday listing my regular monthly auto-pay as having been paid, so maybe.