Jag gillar inte vare sig Aftonbladets eller Expressens webbsändningar. De känns inte lika professionella som SVT eller TV4.

Det är därför jag bett att få p-rutorna målade här.

Agreed with Requiem for a dream but A Clockwork Orange is so far from reality that I just find it weird.

Do you mind? I’m trying to drink my tea and I find it very difficult to finish the cup with everything coming out of my nose.

NDA är väl främst för att skydda affärsintressen? Det känns som att reportern som mest får böter och det står väl ändå tv4 för.

Imagine that being in that poor brain. Being that paranoid and hateful.

It’s you, Adam and Eve. Congratulations for being God’s creation.

IQ without education is nothing when the whole population is going that way. We might be able to solve more puzzles but good luck getting us to explain anything basic (hyperbole of course).

Considering I’m dating my ex’s younger sister and the ex is visiting for a week I think it’s ok on their end. Oh yeah; I also babysit another ex’s kids every other week.

It work fine as long as you have a mature relationship with your formers.

I almost feel like my brain goes sour when I watch too much politics. It’s all “he said that, she said that” and not enough “here is what we have done and here is what we will do”.

I stand corrected. That is a buttload of cars.

I can’t find a picture of 5000 Tesla in that article.

kakšni so simptomi? zakaj rabi nov del?

You mean the master brake cylinder?

Taget. Privat kallar jag de Postmord för att jag är barnslig.