I think it's a reference to the store named Claire's, was a chain where you could get your ears pierced.

Graffiti would/was be considered artistic regardless of Basquiat. Not to detract from his impact on the art world, but to say otherwise is - as you said - "a tone deaf take".

Seriously, no context? Is this the hot sauce jawn? What's "Beyond Insanity"? What could be simple?

I literally came to comments from the title looking for a Wu-Tang reference. And yet I leave with more questions than answers.

A water-based floor urethane works for me on tables.

Lovage is also a great, easy to grow option for that strong flavor.

Bro, plumbers wear underwear, shit just slides low from the bending over.

Bro, I never knew how badly I needed "ream" to be a collective noun for white folk.

:Eagles: Duck Phallus

I honestly like the three reference images. So, there's that.

Many people from all walks of life live here in West Powelton, including many, many people from other countries. Is it crime-free? No. Is it some barren wasteland of rampant violence? Not at all.

It's a neighborhood. Mostly residential people just living their lives.

Baldur's Gate 3 has an "Honor Mode" where you only get one save, can't reload while playing (auto save when quitting), and if your entire party dies, the game ends. Essentially, they have taken save scumming/reloading out of the options. Simultaneously, the enemies are harder (bosses have legendary actions), scaling is slower, and general difficulty is notched up.

If you do manage to win on Honor Mode, you get golden dice. So, totally worth it.

It's also really hard to teach kids to be okay with being wrong. That's literally one of the biggest hurdles to the improvements students can make. I've taught so many kids who were bright, but maybe never pushed themselves or weren't challenged, or maybe just missed a real teacher for a year or two here and there. They'll struggle with long words, or have poor grammatical habits, or not have a broad enough vocabulary to learn new words with context clues and roots. And then instead of being able to be okay with that, they'll try to hide it, and be afraid of embarrassing themselves. But EVERYONE IN THE CLASS HAS A SIMILAR PROBLEM. I can tell them that all I want, but the fear of being wrong in a semi-public setting, and the willingness to eschew learning results in whole swaths of students who prefer being ignorant to being wrong.

And I teach 12th grade, these kids are not kids. They're the new adults. And I'm worried for them.

Yes. Geometry is your friend. Being able to visualize it isnso useful. Being able to visualize AND understand it is invaluable.