My 8.5 months old Biewer Yorkie is going through puberty. Everything he’s been taught so far is a matter of him currently deciding whether he wants to do it or not. He’s latest thing is barking, even when nobody is around; if there’s the tiniest bit of commotion going on outside, he barks, growls, grumbles, and starts huffing and puffing, seemingly annoyed at anything and everything. A couple of days ago, he kept this lineup going all frigging day long. Absolutely nothing satisfied him, he was just so grumpy. He wants to play, but stops after a minute, he demands to go outside to go potty, then decides he doesn’t really have to go after all and barks at nothing; we go back inside, he sits in front of me, stares me down, looking to me for entertainment only to decide he didn’t like the entertainment I offered, and then end up grumbling some more. WTAH? I tried to have him take a nap, he wasn’t into it at all. He was wound up tight like the energizer bunny. We do go extended walks every morning, anywhere from 4 to 6 miles, about 2 hours worth of walking, sniffing, exploring. The huffing and puffing is a completely new thing he came up with.