This is exactly how I feel - you either throw the surprise party and are chill about how people react or you tell people in advance so they can act accordingly.

That is nightmare fuel, her ex husband sounds like a piece of shit.

Sorry but if you’re throwing a surprise wedding ceremony - I don’t think you get to be nitpicky about what your guests are wearing! (In regards to The Stripe post about a bride throwing a dinner party that’s actually a wedding and wanting to ensure no one wears any sort of denim).

Sorry but why is your profile picture Laura Beverlin?

I don’t think so - the NFL fan base is extremelyyyyy conservative. Much more likely to agree with TPUSA than a centrist network.

Traveling to Europe this week and got a notification that my flight might be negatively impacted by storms down in DTX… i had to call to potentially change the flight but my only options were flights with less than a 1.5 hour long connection, which is too short imo for international travel! Eeeeeek here’s hoping the weather turns out okay, the AA agent was less than helpful….

I’m not a parent - but I’m really glad that my mom, for the most part, let me work out disagreements with my peers by myself. Obviously I get that there are times when parents need to get involved (i.e. someone is actually bullying) but reading a story like this I’m just eek’d out by an adult saying this about a kid.

Yeah I don’t follow this influencer, so can’t comment on her likability, but I just think this would be a touchy subject even with a close friend! So I can’t imagine DM’ing an influencer and thinking they’ll see the light via some random DM’ing them.

That comment isn’t even that mean. It asks her to get help. It’s moderately concerned more than mean.

Sorry but I think DM’ing a stranger on the internet that you think they have an ED and need help is never okay. And an influencer is well within their rights to not block identifying info when they repost your comment.

Oh I didn’t realize they were moving! Where are they moving to?

Daryl Ann promoting her business is what finally did you in? Not any of the other vile shit she regularly posts online?

At dinner tonight my husband’s mom brought up when he filled out one of these questionnaires and said her “favorite” thing to do was clean up after him and his brothers. She’s still annoyed 30 years later LOL.

I think she’s trying to address pretty outdated (imo) wedding guest etiquette to not wear red because it’s too loud/out there/whatever.

This outfit is very on trend right now.

I don’t know, this comment in particularly seemed snarky/pointed.

oh like the idea of carry on travel attire and mid-level fashion that bridges the gap between amazon and $900 pants.

ETA: looks like multiple people were referencing the $900, which I agree is a ridiculous price point, but I’m assuming that’s what lead to the please be nice comment.

Putting excerpts here in case others haven’t read it, truly a wild profile.

Hailey is in his room. She is the only one in his room (except for Esther the dog, who smells incredible). When we enter, Hailey is wearing a black crop top and tight black pants, sitting on a pristinely made bed. She is doing nothing—no TV, no book, no phone, no computer, no music, no oil paints, nothing. She is pretty and polite and 19 and asks me, “What’s up?” I am impressed she does not hide in the bathroom with the shower running, which is what I would do if my super-famous rumored boyfriend showed up unannounced with a journalist in the middle of my day. I feel guilty for keeping Justin from her. The suite is lovely, but smaller and less opulent than I would’ve imagined. The interior is lit like the inside of a cave at sunrise. Hailey and I (and Esther) take seats at a round table while Justin takes up an acoustic guitar.

Bieber and I head for the hotel courtyard, leaving Hailey alone in the suite. I ask if they’re dating, and he shakes his head emphatically, affecting a confused expression, as if he can’t possibly fathom why I would assume that he is dating the young woman in his hotel room, whom he has been photographed kissing. I ask if she is just a friend he kisses. “Uh-huh,” he says. “I guess so.” He later amends his description of Baldwin to “someone I really love. We spend a lot of time together.”

Tbh I was pleasantly surprised by her thoughts - she’s absolutely right that there is no difference between lab + natural diamonds. And that natural diamonds don’t hold their value as well as De Beers wants you to believe!!

I unfortunately have a friend who wants to only be a boy mom because she’s obsessed with being the only woman in her family. Preemptively nervous for any future DILs she might have!

A woman being able to breastfeed or pump isn’t an attack on other women and we shouldn’t see it as a flex. You seem particularly triggered by this, which probably means this isn’t an influencer you should follow anymore!

Nah, sometimes people just posts things because it’s a part of their existence and they don’t need validation.

Did she say she needed a pat on the back for her supply?

It’s not the accomplishment to not be proud of or talk above. It’s a lot of work as I do it as well. It’s the flaunting of the quantity of milk as one of the poster below said. It’s actually quite a common practice to include Tw when showing an oversupply on screen because how emotionally challenging and taxing process it is for new moms. The same way when people include courtesy tw when they discuss miscarriage etc so people can skip

Sorry are the moms okay? I’m usually all for trigger warnings but applying a trigger warning for breastmilk supply is ridiculous and 100% worth mocking imo.