I think illiteration is a great way to make your place but sizzle and slurp/sip is a terrible name. Slurp because it doesn't go with any of the sides and drinks in general does not need to go and isn't really a side.

The burger binge or something else along those lines. I'd give more feedback and help out but I actually have to leave as I'm writing this

It feels like it's a combo deck for setting up return more than being an aggro deck. Bazoo just gets it done better since it doesn't need to escape combat. Bazoos not locked in with you, yous locked in with bazoo.

I was watching the 8th season of family matters today when at the end of an episode Steve got a chain letter and said he was sending it to his buddy Corey Mathews. As in the kid from boy meets world.

All the shows are linked. Some people would disagree but they're thinking too hard on it. In fact my theory is every Disney show is linked even if we haven't gotten cross overs. All it takes is for a group of fans to be vocal about something. Who's to say Lizzie McGuire won't some day get a second show and take her kids to see Hannah Montana.

Hell I'm 90% positive Lizzie met the family from even Stevens. I didn't even watch those shows and part of me remembers it being a big deal. But I could be wrong. All I know is hanging with Mr Cooper had mr Cooper be Michelle tanners teacher so they're linked. In fact most of the old shows are.

Although they also connect to newer shows as girl meets world has a cross over with Jessie. So that's why I'm sure all the shows are linked. Some day will get dog with a blog hanging out with Steve urkel as he gets on Zack and Cody's ship because he got a letter from Lizzie McGuire to come to Waverly place or some shit like that.

I have 45 minutes to teach you about the bloodline storyline for wrestling.

It all comes down to edgecution on how you do it.

Jyyyyaaaaaaaaahhhhhnnnnn seeenaaahhhhhh.

I played my low charisma character as mostly uncaring and bad at making friends. Unlying to a fault of twisting his words to a degree that would favor him and make most people assume he meant one thing while saying another. That and telling people he would kill them with a gun that shoots infinite bullets if they seem dumb enough to believe him.

I agree to some degree with dice rolls. I think if it's common knowledge stuff for your type of person and you're just talking about a thing you definitely shouldn't need to. But if it's a hard moment then the intent of action would call on it.

And yeah sometimes the group I'm in is really dumb. As much as I enjoy playing with them they're not all playing with a full box of crayons in their tool shed. Like we've been playing DND in our group for about 5 years and I'll remember things explained to me and I can make super good fighters to a degree that I've bested the best player at the table in combat but the other players can hardly play their character sheet that they've been playing with since the beginning of the adventure.

Like I've tried learning but the book is poorly written and will give info in certain chapters so I've mostly given up at this point but I've made like 7 fighters in 3.5 and they're all unique and good at stuff.

You can cure measles but you can't cure stupid.

I actually don't really like most d20 systems. It's adding up of small things that compound into a larger one. It's a mix of both player and creator problems.

A small example I dislike from the creator side is the use of the word wisdom. Wisdom is a form of intelligence and has nothing to do with your spiritual abilities or senses. Yet they keep naming it that as if that's the thing to call it because DND does it so every other d20 system copies since they all just basically copy DND.

On the player side I find it frustrating that people will sometimes say that because your character has low stats that they must suck in certain areas. Like low charisma means you're ugly. Low intelligence means you're stupid. It's like no dude. Have you seen Fabio. High charisma character due to looks with a shitty personality. I can totally have a good looking character who's low charisma due to personality traits. Like look at Hitler. Ugly dude with a high charisma due to good talking skills and happens to have good rolls. Both can be true. Like Owen Wilson is in the middle of both with high charisma.

I also don't like how some people make you roll for everything too. Like sometimes I'm not trying to talk you into something. Sometimes I'm just saying a thing. Rolls are for when you're trying to perform an action.

Like I was talking to a character and I plainly told him that if things didn't go my way that he would regret those actions. Am I trying to intimidate the guy? No. Just letting him know shit will go down. Take it as you want. There's no need to bring dice into this. Other times I'll make a character where the purpose is meant to dice rolls. I'll be like I'm gonna try to dice rolls intimidate him. It's all about attitude. My low charisma guy doesn't need or want it. Want to fight? Ok, I don't need to talk you into viewing things my way if I just fucking kill you. Dice roll guy doesn't want to fight even if he's good at it. He would rather talk his way out or intimidate. Both were fighters and as much as I can agree to do dice rolls I think it comes down to intent of player or certain situations.

We have moments in my group where the DM will as for rolls because sometimes who you're talking to will not be swayed in any way unless you roll for it and those are easy to accept as they make sense but not every conversation involves dice needing to be rolled. Sometimes conversation is just that.

Probably help I can't breathe please let me out.

Honestly I have no idea about classes in 5e since I hate 5e and generally don't like DND. I only play cause all my friends do and these are the games they chose.

You seem like an adult enough what with using the internet so I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Never but I also didn't comment for the nudes cause I don't believe anyone will get them. Sometimes I just like commenting on random things.

Their couple name is hithim

Dude, this is the grilled cheese sub reddit. Why the hell would you tell him to make a butter melt? Fucking nerve of you melt people. Go get your own sub reddit (This is a joke. Please don't take it seriously.)

My friend tried getting me into warhammer and told me it would be up my alley.

He was super fucking wrong. I have 0 interest in warhammer not just because of its entry cost but because it's got tons of rules and miniatures games are fucking expensive in general.

I don't disagree with the logic but to what end does strike ninja itself do anything to really win the game? Like your match ups are what is generally the most meta stuff so you gotta take into account the decks you will most likely face and their threats.

Beatdown decks are constantly going to have something more than your 1700 strike ninja which ruins the point of it being a huge major threat since the most probably beatdown decks are
possibly dark.

The mid range decks you will most likely find are chaos which will either have a big monster or target it with things like chaos sorc. Monarchs will have a hard time fighting it if they try and target it but the moment your opponent gets a large enough monster you will have possibly bogged down your deck with too many strike ninja based combo cards that you might not have answers for it.

Control decks will most likely have some form of ability to go in on your cards with things like pacman, or clown control and even goats since their combo is not specific to needing to take a monster with restrict.

As much as we can say these combos all work and that strike ninja is a strong card I don't think it's strong enough to break any meta to such a degree that running it and tons of combos specifically around it is enough to make a super strong deck. There are too many better decks. If I had to rank strike ninja it'd be a b tier deck at best. Either way I've given all the info I could think of and I don't want this to devolve into an argument. Good luck with your deck my dude.

I think you might need a different perspective. Strike ninja is a great card and would be a great way to create a dark warrior deck but I think it isn't a full decks worthy of cards. You shouldn't focus on specifically adding cards via getting monsters to hand so much as using good cards to send monsters that are also universally good from someplace to the discards. That or things like tomato.

Card destruction is a solid card that helps do some form of hand manipulation to the opponent while filling the discards for later use.

Graceful also works here as well.

Giant germ can even be used to allow more cards into the discards.

Cyber jar has ways to fill your hand and get monsters on the field.

Morphing jar allows more draw and also discarding more cards too as well as adding a little disruption to the opponent.

dd scout plane is also a solid card if you can use it with other cards and stumbling could help it out to not make you lose tons of life points.

Last will also allows you to thin the deck as well.

There are many cards (including the two you named) that can be used but specifically trying to tribute monsters from the field instead of using them as resources for actually giving you an advantage over the opponent seems like a bad direction to take.

I also don't think strike ninja is itself a strong enough card to base a whole deck around. Sure it's a solid beater but trying to focus on getting it online makes your deck more narrow in what it can do.

Anyway, hope this helps and happy dueling.

You're just trying to fuck your pallette up aren't you. Fucking tums is too spicy.

Water down the sandwich? Dude you're just gonna make it spicier that way.

I'm not into dudes or war hammer but dudes hot and charismatic enough that I'd give him my attention.

Hey, bad news kid but I delete myself. Now you can't beat me cause I've already done it.

There's sadly only 2 of us now since things got hectic and 6 of us started night jobs, or died, or are dick heads but as long as we got the one of us it's all good.