Stucky Johnlock Spuffy Geraskier Ineffable Husbands

Unless someone literally writes like a child or writes the most obviously-never-seen-another-person-naked smut, I would never assume that their handling of a sex scene in a story is due to immaturity, whether I like their take or not. Taking a different angle to the frought realm that is consent in fiction does not make one more or less mature. It sounds like this douchebag is gatekeeping smut? I would find it so disappointing if one of my fave writers wrote something like this, especially on my own work! Fuck that person. They don't deserve your time or attention.

There are a few movies on there that I honestly enjoy but I can see why they could be considered disappointing, but then I saw City Slickers 2 on this list. Maybe it's because I first saw it as a kid or some other factor but I fucking love that movie and I'll fight anybody over it.

You are in the earth of me

I just looked up my Spotify stats and, in the last 6 months, 18 out of 20 of my top tracks are TAD. That...checks out also.

I agree with this, and I would add that they tried way too hard to tie in references to other movies and get cute with a sort of fan service. Like having Asha's friends be counterparts of the seven dwarves served no narrative purpose and was just all wink-wink with no payoff. I enjoyed Wish and a few of the songs are bangers, but this is a major issue for me with it.

My husband and I still occasionally make a fwhinnnnnng! noise at each other reminiscent of the butt whistle. Our kid is 6 but those memories will never get old.

In the immortal words of Salt 'n' Pepa, opinions are like assholes and everybody's got one. People really feel the need to share their views on your life choices, especially when it comes to kids. Have kids? Here are all the reasons that's a mistake. Don't have kids? Here are all the reasons you'll regret it. Waiting to having kids? Better not because xyz. Had kids in your 20s? Terrible move because abc. Got tubes tied/vasectomy? You're going to change your mind and be miserable.

My response, and I mean this with all my heart: fuck 'em. If you guys are happy, don't let their misery color your experience of having the life you want. And on the plus side, your kids will be done with school and moving out while y'all are in your late 30s/early 40s, which gives you a lot of life to live after they leave the nest, so to speak. I waited until I was 34 to have my one and only kid, and I'll be 52 when she's done with high school. Not decrepit, at least I hope not, but definitely a different experience from the one you and your wife will have. Everybody's gonna do their own thing, and I hope you have a long and healthy life with your family.

Junimos are lil blorbos, Sebastian is Sea bass, Elliot is Fabio, Jas and Vincent are those fuckin kids 😂

ELA Teacher | Greater Boston Area

I teach high school and have very little energy for this sort of thing, but next year we're attempting a schoolwide color coding thing where class 1 is red, class 2 is orange, et al. I'm thinking I'll just steal the names from Legends of the Hidden Temple and make up similar ones for colors not used on the show. Or come up with something uniformly alliterative. Or, most likely, I'll have an intent to do something and then I'll forget for the first week of school and give up.

Stucky Johnlock Spuffy Geraskier Ineffable Husbands

If you have to ask, maybe it ain't for you 😂

Stucky Johnlock Spuffy Geraskier Ineffable Husbands

The vast majority of my stuff is in The Witcher, but I've written MCU (Stucky), BBC Sherlock, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Stucky Johnlock Spuffy Geraskier Ineffable Husbands

If you'd like to see Steve Harrington get pregnant (and who doesn't?!?) I strongly recommend LexiRoseWrites. Lovely omegaverse multichapter Steddie fics with tons of angst in there for fun. Just a good time all around.

Just stop breastfeeding and switch for formula. And go on antidepressants earlier.

If you're into the Witcher fandom at all, the tag "witchersexual jaskier/dandelion" is your friend. I'm aggressively ill right now so I don't have it in me to find and link specific fics, but there are a ton of poly and dead dove gems in there! Godspeed on your journey.

I have a playlist just for these songs so thanks for asking the question that helps me expand it.


When I was eight years old, a second grade teacher who wasn't mine told me that my favorite skort (shorts with a skirt over them) was inappropriate. I had gotten markedly taller recently, so they seemed a lot shorter on my frame. That was when I learned I had to be self-conscious all the time because what I thought was cute might be a problem to somebody else, and their opinion mattered more than mine.

The summer it was in theaters was the first summer I had enough autonomy to go to the movies with friends without any adults, so my best friend and I ended up seeing that at the theater like 4 times. Was it worth it? Perhaps not. But I'll always enjoy it because of the visceral memories I have of going again and again just because we could.

If you're into podcasts, How Did This Get Made has a superb episode on Drop Dead Fred that I recommend for those of us who love this trash fire of a movie.

I'm clutching my pearls at this perfect film being called a "crappy movie" - how very dare you.

My daughter is amazing and I love her so much. Watching her grow and learn and become a whole person has been fascinating and humbling and joyful, and her love for me is fucking overwhelming in the best way.

Also I do not like being a mom. I hated being pregnant, I really hated giving birth, I hated breastfeeding, and I developed postpartum depression that just sort of stuck around, so now almost 7 years postpartum I'm years into therapy, I have chronic depression and anxiety, I'm on my 4th medication to try to manage them, and I'm tired basically all of the time. So many of my interests and hobbies were put on hold completely for a couple of years and I've struggled getting back to them because of the aforementioned mental health stuff. I had to take a 2.5-month medical leave from work this year (I'm a teacher, which has also gotten harder over time, but that's another thing) and it barely brought me back from the depths of absolutely crushing burnout. I'm closer to divorce than I'd like to be, though the role of parenthood in that is debatable.

I try not to view my duties as a parent as burdens, but that's how they feel to me. With the exception of cuddling or a few other things, everything feels like a chore. I've never had any particular affection for or interest in the "school-age" age group (I teach high school and even younger high schoolers test my patience); a lot of the activities and play my kid wants to engage in are exhausting for me. I find pretend play very very tiring, but I also want to encourage her to do it because it's so good for her brain. But she has no siblings and often struggles to play by herself, so my husband and I are her usual play partners. I cannot tell you how many pretend cookies I've eaten this month alone. (I'm also probably neurodivergent which isn't helping in this regard, but again, another thing entirely.)

All that being said, we had her fully on purpose. We waited a long time; I got pregnant ten years (almost to the day) after my first date with my husband and we tried for six months before it worked. I was ambivalent-leaning-positive about having kids and my husband was fully in the pro column. We had talked about having two, since we both come from families with two kids, but we basically immediately scrapped that plan as soon as we were immersed in the reality of parenting.

I often wish for the ability to slip between realities, where I could slough off the life of a mom to go do all the other shit I like to do, completely unburdened in that way, but also not actually give up the chance to raise my child and see her continue to become progressively more awesome. Last week, we were playing pretend beauty salon and she offered to do my makeup (a thing I don't normally wear). She asked what I wanted. I said, "something really subtle, like an understated sort of elegance that makes people gasp when they see it but is also something I could pull off on my own at home, you know?" She thought for a moment, then asked, "so...face paint?" I agreed, and she proceeded to pretend to draw a butterfly on my cheek.

If I'd never had her, I would've missed out on that absolutely perfect interaction, but also maybe missed out on seven years of chronic mental health problems and a lot of other shit that's made every day an uphill battle. There's no way to know how it'll go for you until, basically, it's too late. You can't tell how you'll feel at 50 or 60 having had no kids, and you can't tell if you'll be happy with kids. I think you just have to make a choice that feels right and recognize that the "what if"s might never go away, and that's okay. I chose this career, I chose to continue living in my home state instead of going far away, I chose a lot of things where I'll never know what I missed out on, and that's okay. Regret is normal but it's also useless. I'm just gonna try to be a good mom and hope that I can figure out how to do that at less of my own expense, if there's such a reality out there for me.

ELA Teacher | Greater Boston Area

As a long-time secondary teacher and someone who's probably some flavor of neurospicy, here's what I would say to each point (if you care to hear - and it's cool if you don't):

  1. As some others have said, the sarcasm thing could be a "the kids are fine with it so get over it" thing or an "actually not great for the kids" thing; even less helpfully, it could be both. I tend to be very warm and genuine with students by default but I definitely have an undercurrent of sarcasm that comes out. I do my best to make sure I have a good rapport with students and keep an eye on reactions in case something hits differently than I intended. I also do anonymous surveys regularly and have an always-open anonymous Google form that's an anytime feedback form, so if I do or say some dumb shit, a student can call me on it without worrying about me getting mad at them or whatever.

  2. This made me really frustrated on your behalf, because you have a coworker who sounds extremely difficult to work with and genuinely not great for the students, whom parents have specifically singled out as wanting their kids away from, but it's a communication issue...on YOUR end? Fuck that. I mean, if you were a real dick to this person, okay, that's a professionalism thing and I could get them dinging you for that. But I have serious questions about your evaluator's intentions and/or competence here, because either they don't know this other person and how terrible they are (which, based on the limited info I have, sounds like common knowledge at the school) or they are making the dynamic between the two of you into your problem. Do you have professional status/tenure? I would definitely have my hackles up over some shit like that. I'm extra annoyed that the evaluator didn't even bother to meet with people and just emailed this shit like it was an afterthought. Really shows you how much stock they're putting into the evaluation process.

  3. This is just a lesson on never talking to anyone about your thoughts on a PD ever again. Even if all you want is to ask your school/district to provide better-quality learning opportunities, they seem to not be happy to hear about it, so we're going to initiate the STFU protocol. Given the evaluator's reaction here, I'm guessing nobody is going to ask you for feedback in PDs or suggestions for other ones, but if you're ever asked directly, you can either lie, which is the safer option or, if you're looking to be what I would affectionately call "a little shit" about it, you could say "I've been told I need to have a positive attitude about our PDs, so I think everything's great." I would only recommend the latter if you have job security 😂

Overall though, it sounds like you're doing what I always do, which is obsessing over a couple of critiques in a sea of positive feedback. It's hypocritical as fuck coming from me, but truly, try to get your brain to give all these pieces of feedback, positive and negative, appropriate weight. If you have 100 plusses and three minuses, you should feel really fucking good about your year and your work with your students. Ineffective and shitty teachers do not get ratios like that. Even the friendly-but-useless ones with have a fair bit of critique from students and evaluators alike. Don't let this shit fester in your brain because I guarantee the person who wrote up the comments isn't spending any time thinking about it.


My daughter said "Neckflix" for like a solid year and I loved it.

I think there's a risk in assuming that what people write about is necessarily clinically relevant (like I don't think we need to pathologize kinks) but she sure knows a lot more about my weird inner life than she did before 😂

My therapist made an AO3 account to subscribe to my current WIP. She's deeply invested.