It’s a good itinerary but I would recommend staying flexible if you can because there really are a lot of places on your list. Some of the items are quite quick (you can really only walk by the front of Notre Dame, for instance) while others are longer (the Louvre).

Also leave in some time to just hang out in a park or relax at a cafe.

I would also not try to do another gallery or museum on the same day as the Louvre - you’ll be completely overstimulated. It’s enormous!

It’s not too hard :) I would leave yourself extra time (minimum 2 hours domestic, 3 hours international). The most stressful thing you can do in an airport is run late - it’s really not fun.

Make sure your liquids are less than 3.2 oz and put them somewhere you can easily pull out when you get to the security line. The things security tells you to do are a little different each time so don’t be surprised (shoes on sometimes, off others. Laptop stays in the bag, laptop comes out.). Just follow their verbal instructions.

There are screens all over the airport, find your flight as soon as you can and double check that it’s a) on time and b) check for your gate. Sometimes they move the gate after they announce it, so check a few times as you go through the airport

The steps are

-check in online -check in at the airport (if dropping a bag or they don’t give you a boarding pass) -security -find your gate -wait at gate -board according to number or zone

Have a good flight, you’ll be a natural in no time!!

Pro move: be ready to take your liquids and laptops out, shoes off, and take off your jacket/belt/pocket contents quickly to keep the security line moving. But it’s ok if it takes you longer your first time, too!!!

I’ve seen this several times in Italy so I’m not surprised, I don’t think it’s a scam (but I might not send the page with the signature just the main passport page)

Yes! The white chocolate with raspberry is my favorite but they’re all good

Definitely say “Bonjour” (if you’re getting the hang of it, swap it for “Bonsoir” in the evening but saying the wrong one is better than nothing).

My other bigger tip is just to be a little extra polite and quiet when ordering or speaking to staff.

Avoid restaurants within several blocks of the monuments - I’ve found that it’s much more common to have rude or not understanding staff in places that are overrun with tourists. Try to always go to places where you hear a lot of French being spoken.

Do keep your voice down when indoors.

Wow that must have been a wild time to be in Naples! And yesss the pizza is amazing!

Have a fabulous time wherever you decide to go!

I loved staying at a glampsite in rural Ireland (Greenan Maze), hiking and visiting hot springs in the Azores, and hunting the northern lights in a rental car on Senja, an island in Norway. I also can’t get enough of Naples, Italy and would recommend a day trip to the nearby island of Ischia.

And/or see a performance at Shakespeare’s Globe. It’s not terribly far from the Tate Modern, so you could hit that museum first. Lunch at the Borough Market 😊

I enjoyed visiting Camden Market then walking along the canal for a while. There’s a floating bookstore right on the water called Word on the Water that was very cool.

Dress warmly with plenty of layers, especially if you’ll be going to the coast. Have a warm jacket or heavy sweater available in case you need it. The wind off of the Atlantic can feel very icy

Dingle is one of my favorite places to visit in Ireland 💜

Dont keep food in your tent, especially if there might be bears. Also tell someone where you’re going and when to expect you back (in addition to sharing location). If you see another woman camping alone, say hi to her - it’ll make you feel a little better. Have fun!! 💜

I lived in Ireland for a few years and would definitely recommend that you rent a car and drive around. I’d look for savings elsewhere - you might consider car camping several nights, hostels, or staying far from town and driving in everyday.