Lol says a TFW in a foreign country. You TN guys are something else. .

I am with dr illhab habasi at Bronte medical center for the last 3 years. Great doctor

Lol.. these are not indians. There are Muslims from the Middle East or Pakistan

May I ask what you end up getting ?

I agree.. that's why I said depending on the amount. For high amounts they will easily beat knightsbridge fx or other money exchanges. I know plenty of people who converted mid 6 figs using bank at a rate that was better the mid you see in Google. You just have to call them and negotiate

All major banks provide cross border accounts. Open a us bank account while you are a resident of Canada. Also open a us dollors accounts in Canada . Depending on the amount you can either use a money exchange like wise or knightsbridge fx or even negotiate with a bank. They will give you really good rates if the amount is high. Once you can convert your cad to usd simply go online transfer your money for free into usa account.

I just returned from MA yesterday. This is my experience.

1.For me the wild life sighting in manual antonio park it self is not that great because of all the people who visit so the animals are out. Infact we saw sloths racoons monkeys lizards etc all outside of the park. Inside not so much . If you go for a guide our experience was they spend time making a big deal of every tiny bird or lizard and it's great if you want to learn in depth knowledge about local flora and fauna but if you just want to enjoy nature then do it alone. 2. We noticed it was quite crowded in the mornings and after like 2 pm it's deserted as the beeches closes at 3. Infact when we walked out of the park at around 2:30 in the main trail we did not see a single soul for the entire duration. 3. we did both the beeches inside the park as well as espadilla beech outside. The beeches inside the park was comparitively less crowded and you will see monkeys and other wild life roaming around. Also for what's it worth there are shower areas and restrooms inside the park while we could not find any outside. Also outside it's a lot more touristy with lots of vendors and stuff while inside we felt it's more safe inside the park as we just left our bags and went swimming without any worries 4. There is a cafe inside the park that serves sandwiches pizzas pastries drinks ice cream etc. you cannot take any food inside the park . They check your bags throughly at the entrance. I don't think you can reenter the park once you leave as the tickets are timed but not too sure. 5. Yes on the backpack but no on the food. Also no plastic bottles but reusable water bottles are allowed. 6. If you are just sitting in the beech inside the park the trees so provide ample cover but not a lot of benches near the beech so be prepared to bring towels or mats or something to sit on. It was super hot and humid so don't forget sun screen.

A few tips if I may based on our experience

Buy the tickets online. MA is the only place that we found scammers. Nothing dangerous or even pushy but be wary.

If you are planning on driving there there will be people who will try to block you and ask you to pull over. We where worried about this a bit but in reality they are really tame and not dangerous at all. Don't even engage with them or even lower your windows. Just wave and keep drying. You will find parking rite at the gate of the park up the hill.

People will come up to you and offer guided tours etc. most will be scammers. Book tours online via tripadivsor or something if you feel you need a guide.

Also not sure if this happened in MA but in CR every place will have free wifi. While this is great be wary as my Facebook got hacked via browser session highjacking. So if you connect to free wifi use either VPN or don't visit anything that will use credentials like FB or bank.

Feel free to ask any questions and I will reply here

Travel in manual antonio

Hello everyone!

We arrived in Costa Rica yesterday and what an amazing place. Love everything here. We will be driving from la fortuna to manual antonio in a couple of days and staying near teva hotel and jungle reserve. We are a bit confused about how to access beach and manual antonio park everyday. Is it better to take our car and find a parking somewhere or would it make sense to take a taxi or bus ? I heard parking can be a nightmare and bus seems easy option with service every 15 mins but we do not speak any Spanish and so was not sure the bus system works .For example if we want to get down is there a button we can press like in us/Canada or something else ? Also is there taxi stands in manual antonio park area or playa espadilla area ? Sorry if our question is dumb and thanks in advance for your replies !

I read a version of this joke in 1994 readers digest almost 30 years ago.

Did you get a cancellation email from lynx ? I got a cancellation with specific instructions saying to request refund from credit card. I don't understand how they would fly me again even if they come out of bankruptcy as they have already cancelled my flight. But yes. Will definitely update you

Have a flight in August as well. Called cibc as soon as the news release came out. They said they will issue a refund on 2 day. I will update here if it happens next week

If you are not too confident with norbits gambit and want to take the easy way out, open a cross border account with any bank you have. Open a us dollor account in Canada. Transfer from your us bank to cross border account . Pay a couple of bucks for the wire transfer fees. Then do a transfer from us to Canada USD account. Then use a money exchange service like Knightsbridge fx to convert the cash to CAD. Not 0 fees like norbits but much cheaper.

Best no foreign transaction fee credit cardCredit

Hello Everyone,

I have travelling overseas for vacation and was wondering what's the best way use money instead of carrying hard cash ? Are there any no foreign transaction fee no annual fee credit cards out there ? If not what's the best way to take money overseas for spending? Thanks you

PS: mods . Please decline if you feel this post is not for this group

There is a guy called koushikram jayasankar who organizes bi weekly board games in cafes around oakville. Look for his name and posts in oakville talk Facebook group

Thanks . Is this recent info ? I heard the kolbi store at liberia airport is closed ?

I was thinking about airlo but still undecided. Option 1 is airlo. Option 2 is there is kolbi store in liberia. So planning on driving there only our way to Monte verde and getting a sim. Since you go earlier could you please let me know if there is a sim store at the airport ? I heard it's no longer there at liberia airport but not sure .

Sim card and brand?

Hello everyone! I will be landing in Liberia airport. Any idea where I can get a local sim card from ? Is there any sim card stall in Liberia airport? I am renting a car and driving to Monte Verde . I saw a Walmart near liberia. Do they sell sim cards ?

Manual antonio to Liberia for a 4:10 pm flightLiberia

Hello everyone,

I plan to leave manual antonio early in the morning around 6 and drive to Liberia for a flight at 4:10 PM. Google map shows shows 4 to 5 hours. Since I heard Google maps is not very reliable I am accounting 7 hours for the drive and 3 hours at the airport . Is that doable ?

Thank you ! Any idea about a stay in a mid point like canas or tileran that we plan to reach before it's get dark ?