Like how does that comment have so many upvotes ? Lol

Sometimes I wear a hoodie and shorts. Sometimes I wear pants and sports bra. Sometimes I wear TWO pairs of pants so I don’t have to wear a shirt lol

I ended a 5 year relationship last month. I’m heartbroken. He was a great guy but deep in my heart something just didn’t feel right. I still keep second guessing myself and wondering if I maybe I was just going through a phase or maybe I should’ve fought harder to make things work. At the end of the day I trust my decision because i obviously did it for a reason. I’m still waiting for clarity but i also want to try to mend things. I’m so confused and hurting so much. Sorry for dumping on you randomly. I feel very misunderstood being that I was the one to end things if that makes sense.

Thank you for responding! I did join that discord recently but I’ve been too timid to post anything after seeing a couple people getting torn a new one for some noob questions. I’ve learned a great deal on my own but I feel like I’m getting stuck. I might shoot you a message later… have you worked with the astra theme at all? Thanks again and take care!

If you’re still interested in mentoring someone please help me lol. I’m a design student and am working on my companies website bc I’m the techiest person they know and I feel like I’m hitting a brick wall.

The dude she was with definitely sounds sketch but I think it’s weird if he did do it because, if he did why would he end up calling the police? Would it be that easy to track him down if he did murder her ? Wouldn’t he just bounce? Why give any details to the police/ report her missing? Why call the family and let them know ? It’s strange forsure… maybe she wandered in the wilderness after him and got lost? Idk :/ I live in the Rockies and the mountains are an extreme and unforgiving place… it is easy to die out here… I can only imagine Alaska…

All the answers already plus massage your calves/legs when you take them off for a few minutes each day and get in the habit of stretching your calf (flexing your toes both ways pointed and flexed) you can shorten your achilles by wearing heels. Maybe try heels that are a little bit shorter

Maybe it was just his way of communicating “hey I’m cool” (or trying to at least…) because he probably thought it was cool you know

Former sugar baby here… I BET this was an arranged date for the exact thing he’s complaining about. So many men sign up to be sugar daddies and expect to treat you like a fuck machine while getting pissed you expect money from them lol classic. Hopefully this girl realized and weeded him out to never talk to him again. Fucking douche bag. Edit to add: I say this because I have NO DOUBT he will message her again lmao.

It also could be that they themselves are on drugs causing the paranoia

You are young, they will try to use this against you. They as in predators. Please protect yourself and never see him again. Please tell someone and report him because he is most definitely abusing other patients as well. Yes op, you have been abused by your PT therapist. I’m sorry you have gone through that. There are a lot of sexual assault resources online that might be helpful. This is wrong and what happened to you is wrong. You may think “nothing really happened” or “it wasn’t that big of a deal” and I’m sure hearing other people laugh it off makes you feel like you’re in the wrong. You are not. This is extremely inappropriate and it may not seem that a “small” occurrence can cause trauma but it absolutely does! I encourage you to seek resources and vent with trusted individuals that will not gaslight you and make you feel like what he did was ok. Good luck OP and I’m so sorry that this happened.

One time when I was 14 my friend (who had previously been my neighbor for 3 years before I had moved to another state) came to visit me for a week at my new house, and I watched her put a pair of my socks in her bag. She didn’t know I saw her but I saw her just stuff them in her bag. I have no idea why she did this, they were a cute pair of socks- black tube socks with two white stripes at the top, a nice cushioned sport sock. I figured maybe she just liked them and wanted to remember me. More than anything I felt embarrassed about confronting her and didn’t want her to feel embarrassed so I never said anything and thought maybe she just wanted something to remember me idk lol I still think about it sometimes tho like damn just straight up took my new hot topic socks…

I look at my the underside of my baseball cap, my own face in the mirror, a random spot on an equipment machine, the floor, the ceiling, the wall, my shoes, each and every of the 10 tvs, my phone, my Spotify playlist, sometimes if I go with my fiancé we’ll make stupid faces at each other while we do our own things from across the gym. And then the list loops in a circle forever until I can leave

I did not consider that, thanks

I’m not excusing her behavior but hormones absolutely can play a part. When I was in my first trimester I started crying because I didn’t like the table I was sat at at a restaurant. I was extremely embarrassed and started laughing when I tried to whisper to my fiancé what it was about. I used to work in restaurants, I’m not one of those people, I was completely baffled by myself and slightly amused but still heartbroken by where we were sitting. Hormones are a HELL of a drug. Also have gone into full blown rage when taking steroids. Otherwise I am a down to earth calm nice and gentle person…. I work with animals, teach yoga, care about the environment and overall try to leave the world a better place…. When I read this post my first thought was hormones. OP did you guys recently move to a new location? I would have her see a doctor. Part of being a good partner is understanding that sometimes we have to help through rough times. Her behavior is not acceptable but maybe there is a better way to approach this from a place of empathy and compassion to a fellow human and partner, who you love- correct? Try to understand what is happening and why the sudden change. I would look into environmental components as well, has anything changed in your living environment (hence why I asked if you moved recently) ?

If I’m at the gym leave me the fuck alone. Sometimes I purposely wear a baseball hat to hide my face from creeps like OP (sorry to say OP but you sound like that guy)

You can also try dusting a light powder on your lashes before applying the mascara

It’s going to make you feel worse no matter what so don’t do it. You will forever compare yourself to her and if you don’t see a pic you will eventually forget. Personally I probably wouldn’t be able to get past a comment like that…