:flag-ma: Massachusetts

It still boggles my mind that this election will still be really close. Not just for the Presidency but for the House and Senate as well. We'd be fortunate to hold on to 50 Senate seats if you believe polls (which I don't).

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

Just waiting to see if he has Presidential Immunity from SCOTUS.

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

It means he'll be basically pardoned for voting in Florida.

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

He also committed crimes in Georgia.

Not to mention the federal crimes in D.C. and Florida.

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

If SCOTUS rules that Trump doesn't have Presidential Immunity then I fully expect him to be charged in Arizona.

:flag-ma: Massachusetts


Wait until they find out we also have guns. The difference is we care about training and gun restrictions. In the words of Joe Biden, "buy a shotgun."

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

Florida follows the rules of NY making it a crime in Florida. It won't violate his bond unless Trump broke the crime in Florida. NY will be lenient if he had already been pardoned.

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

Democrats need to be campaigning on this. Kids took your jobs!

If they're mad about "illegals" taking jobs then they should be mad about kids taking their jobs.

18 in California. And when he takes her to premieres, he would be taking her across state lines (he lived in NY & LA) and paying for everything. It would be criminal if he was caught having sex with her.

It was what Matt Gaetz did to a 17 year-old except he venmo'd her, rather than paying himself, to make it an even bigger crime.

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

Arizona might charge Trump if SCOTUS doesn't grant him presidential immunity.

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

they'll weaponize the courts as hard as they can against any and all rivals.

No, they'll just kill them if SCOTUS gives him Presidential Immunity.

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

In the article, it said the goal was to raise money; not earn votes.

Axios co-founder Mike Allen asked a Trump official if the campaign might use the video as a paid ad.

"We might," the official said with a chuckle. "Because we're gonna raise a lotta money off it."

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

Because all we talk about here is .... politics!

Not true! On Saturday, we also talk about cartoons ...about politics.

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

Haley would promise full pardons

Won't work in Georgia or possibly soon Arizona. Can't pardon state crimes.

If SCOTUS says he has Presidential immunity then those cases go away anyway. Judge Qanon can sit the jury and dismiss all charges. The appeal would not be as easy as people think it will be.

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

It can go to SCOTUS if they find a constitutional issue. I have no idea what BS they'll come up with but I'm sure they'll try something.

That is currently happening in the election fraud RICO case in Georgia. If SCOTUS declares that Trump has Presidential Immunity then his federal & state electors cases will most likely be dismissed.