Hello everyone, I hope that each of you are faring well.

I am curious about what may considered 'fluency' in a language, and more importantly for those who became near native or very high level in their target language, would describe the feeling between 'comfortable' and 'fluent.'

In my target language of the moment, I speak it every day - sometimes, through conversations of up to five hours. I read comfortably in it (except for more literary works - I am not skilled enough to appreciate that craftsmanship yet), I work in it very often (at least twice per week), I can carry on conversations in nearly any formality or topical context, sometimes (if I am thinking in a language at all) I will even default to thinking or talking to myself in my target language. As of late, I sometimes forget that I am speaking in a language that I am learning even during my more long and in-depth conversations with people - remembering only when I am trying to create a complex grammatical construction that I cannot yet do in that language, or am searching for a word that I feel should be obvious to know.

However, my grammatical skills are not good. I call them atrocious, my friends in my target language say that my grammatical constructions are actually quite respectable in the basic constructions of the language. I disagree, simply because I haven't studied them with enough diligence to use them properly.

Thus, to those who are near-native in their target languages or are high level, I would like to learn (a) your opinion of my level, based upon this description, and (b) how you would compare your comfort in your once-targetted language at the level you identify someone of my current skill at to what you feel now in the language.

Thank you in advance for your perspectives.