The comment this person is referring to actually says: "it is dumb as fuck to criticize the way someone who is not you handles abuse."

It's wild. My entire opinion of the people on this sub just changed so quickly.

At that point we're more profitable to them being dead.

Completely agree with you. It's a sick fucked up world where all the worst people are rewarded and their victims are treated worse than dog shit.

Oh man. I've already spoiled it for myself so I'm really hesitating to progress any more haha

Tetris 🥲

But I love gaming. It's one of my few pleasures left. I mostly play a multiplayer FPS with my friends because I like the social aspect that I don't usually get in day to day life, though that gets pretty stressful and sometimes I just want to be left alone. My other favourite game would be Red Dead Redemption 2. Super chill and major escapism, main character makes me feel safe haha. You can do anything you want in that game and take things at your own pace. I have ADHD so it's usually easier to put on a quick and easy game like the first one, but I definitely get more personal enjoyment from the latter.

I also like most simulator games inc. ones like Stardew Valley. Pretty much games that don't make me anxious or feel like they put a lot of pressure on me.

The New Zealand government hates disabled people.

I've recently tried being open about my ASD to people I work with but it hasn't paid off even once yet haha. It's only paid off in managing to relate to other ND coworkers in that way and having them know about it helps but for everyone else, I truly believe it has only alienated me even more. Nobody will ever actually make adjustments for you, and then when you start having real valid feelings about stuff, they'll just use it against you. I'm sure you'll find exceptions to that, of course. I'm yet to.

I'm in the same position as you mate. Society is not kind to people like us. We get punished more for asking for help than people who actually commit crimes. I have no words of reassurance. I have already committed to ending things.

May be unpopular but I've pretty much given up on therapy now. It has caused a lot of harm for me. I get pressure point massages regularly, cold showers and swims, LOTS of stretches through the day, specifically around my hips, neck, shoulders, general flexibility. I lift heavy weights when I get really activated and it helps burn off some of that adrenaline. Also less of an exercise thing, but I also tend to hold a lot of tension in my jaw, resulting in a lot of teeth clenching and grinding, so I'm looking at getting botox in that area to relax the muscles a bit. Some of my favourite easy daily things are rolling my back over a foam roller, and using one of those neck stretching things that you just lay on for ten minutes a day, and definitely the cold showers. Loosening up at the start of the day helps even if it just helps you feel like you're not emerging from a crypt for the first time in twenty years.

However, for me, I'm not sure if I'm necessarily releasing trauma, and I don't think I even really understand what that means. Maybe I started too late and I'm too far gone mentally. Everything I do now is just trying to make each day less painful. At the end of the day, I still plan to go out the same way.

Yup. You start to realise how much other people benefited from your trauma and suffering.

Your daughter will die. I hope you remembered how you treated her when that time comes and it haunts you forever. YTA.

Thanks so much for sharing. I'll definitely check that book out. I hope it gets easier for you too, and if you want someone to share your journey with, feel free to message :) it's nice to not feel alone.

Thank you for this, and thank you for your reassuring edit :)

I think it's good for me to hear what actually goes on in the heads of abusers like this because all this time I've really denied it to myself, like she's my mom, she loves me. But you're right. If she were concerned for my wellbeing, I wouldn't be going through this.

Thank you, I didn't look at it this way but you're right.