How difficult is that mod to install? Is one you have to go through Nexus to get?

I have never once used Lae'zel. She's so grumpy and Karlach is just so much more fun!

Please let us know what happens next 😅

I read through every comment and STILL had no idea who it was. After the Google search I can safely say- So she can drive a car? That don't impress me much ;)

Great color though!!

Whoa, writing this down to ask my psychiatrist about it. Thank you for sharing ☺️


Perfect, definitely switch then ;)

I have an iPhone as a work phone and a Pixel as a personal. I work with iPhones as a part of my job as well as the flagship Android devices. They all have their bonuses and shortcomings.

I personally will never go back to the iPhone simply because I like the user interface of the Pixel better. Nova Launcher FTW

I currently have the 15Pro and 7Pro and have the 8Pro on order.

Also- how deep are you into Apples ecosystem? Your non-iphone Apple products outside of airpods won't play very nice with your Google phone

Having said all that- it's just my opinion. Best of luck and remember - you're the one that has to use it everyday so don't take reddit people's opinions too seriously

Here for the same reason as the rest of you XD

32/F/EST- PC

Looking for friends to play BG3/Stardew/Inkbound and honestly whatever other multiplayer/co-op games you want that aren't super survival based- hell, I'd even get back into WOW(retail or classic, I have both factions) or ESO if that's what you're into, I'm just so tired of playing games alone.

Gender doesn't matter to me as long as you're not hateful. My time zone is EST but I work from home so sometimes I can get down with other timezones

Hit me up here and we can chat and share usernames :)

Where can I find a guy that's that excited to see me 🥺

Auburn Hills

Hey Friends, Michigan native looking to check out our lovely states waterfalls this summer.

Got any favorites? Know of any that aren't on Google maps?

Totally okay with hiking to get to it and a huge bonus if there's a rustic camping area near by!

Thanks in advance friends!!

My current 14yr old dog does because she knows no different and attempts to break her of it have only resulted in sleepless nights for all of us.

My next one will not- they will have a big comfy bed of their own and my boyfriend and I will have all the cuddle and leg room 🤣

Hopefully your interaction showed the other handler a less scary Dobie and improved their opinion! Baby steps! 💓

Forgive my ignorance but the line down the middle of her stomach... Is that actually there or is that also the editing? &If it's actually there- what causes that?

If it makes you feel any better I have a MinPin who gets her nails done every 2 weeks and they grow so fast they're HELLA long at that 2 week mark... I wish I knew her secret 👀

Props to you for being overly understanding of another handler having a prejudice towards your dog and making the extra effort to accommodate them. 👏🏻