Yes, but it doesn't try to touch it if the eye is too close or too far and you can barely feel it

Yep, no assistance needed. Only downside they are quite expensive

I got the Icare home 2. Brought it one time to the doctor, same measurements as their goldman tonometer, so pretty accurate. As to where, I live in europe, so I just bought it. I heard that people in America have to get a prescription, which is stupid

Your brain blocked it out to protect you, but this incident is still lingering in your subconscious wreaking havoc. You might not like it, but you need to unblock it in a safe environment in order to process it. But don't force it, it will happen automatically when you will feel safe in your body again

You don't need to get it back, just get back into your body, trough meditation and yoga. Learn to just be in peace again, either by doing something intense like running or exercise and relaxing later. And you can start processing all this bullshit. Your innocence got stolen which sucks, but you can heal it back and don't need to carry all this hate and shame for the rest of your life

I was offered to do trabs, but I refused. Sounds super scary

Diagnosed 3 years ago at 26, Closed angle glaucoma. Had 4 iridotomies, due to failed attempts by other doctors, cataract surgery in both eyes. Had 60 pressure in my left when I was diagnosed, my left eye already had 90% vision loss, never noticed, because you can't really tell with both eyes open. Right eye started acting up about 2 years later, first it was just drops, normal pressures in the clinic. But then I noticed that I had 40 pressure during the night, good thing I bought that home tonometer.

Had the same problem, I was dissociating and my energy was out of whack. When I'm dissociating I cannot feel my energy, so some days people would be nice other days they act like I want to kill them. And people respond to emotional energy more than anything

I got out of dissociacion after 20 yearsCPTSD Victory

I tried meditation many many times and it never worked for me. Recently I read somewhere about body and mind connection and how connecting to the body may activate parts of the brain that can recognize what am I feeling. I never know really what I feel or when I am hungry or thirsty, unless it's when I am starving when haven't eaten all day. But I started paying more attention to my body, if I am doing something which doesn't require concentration I just tell myself to go back to my body, it wasn't helping as much. But then one day I tried seeing what is connected in my body and I saw my two halves of the body left and right split in the middle, they felt very different. I started searching how is everything connected and I started untangling so much shit, my gut was making all kinds of sounds and I started feeling this slight electric feeling and noticed parts of me I never noticed before. The body and mind connection is insane, my body is my brain, like I feel tension in my brain but it's really in my body and when I let go of it like letting go of right side of my body, the right side of brain loses tension. First win in a while, just wanted to share


player number one vibes

For me when nothing works, pilocarpine always does. It has its cons but it's better than nothing

Is body awareness enough?

I have CPTSD and is it enough to just direct my attention to my body trough out the day? Like I would be watching a movie, reading a book or working labour job and I just remind myself to come back to my body.

I don't try to analyse, verbalise or examine too much on what I am feeling. I am supposed to view it with non judgmental point of view and labeling or trying to calm it down or open it up just seems like I am judging it, because you can't not judge it and do these things.

Is this more like a general connection, like a neural connection to your body, instead of some mental perspective/ thought pattern I am missing. I get it someone who had 1 traumatic event, it could just be mental block, but I had this my entire life and probably my connections to the body are atrophied. I don't think me doing anything with my body mentally apart from being aware of it would make any difference. Hope this makes sense

feeling emotions in my head

Ok this may be weird, but I have been experiencing this for like past 5 years. When I check what I am feeling I can feel emotions in my head and in my body, its like they are 2 separate things. I can see emotions in my head much more clearly than my body. What I mean is I can point to physical part of my brain where do I feel the emotion, I know brain doesn't have pain receptors that can feel things, but thats my experience.

The problem is that I can't do shit about the emotions in my head, they are overwhelming but when I observe them they don't go away, or when I accept them or whatever I do, I can't seem to change them.

When I observe my emotions in my body I can change them, but its difficult because the emotions in my head are much more enhanced and they are clouding out my awareness. The good thing is that when I observe the emotions in my body the emotions in my head changes.

Is this some kind of mind-body disconnection?, I don't know if I should ignore the emotions in my head entirely and just focus on the body

I went trough similar thing. 60 pressure on left. Had a cataract surgery. One year later 40 pressure on right. Had a cataract surgery on right. Now with 2 kinds of drops it's normal 13-21 iop. Don't do valsalva maneuver while in the gym, I have a home tonometer and I can raise my pressure to 30-40 for 20min by just doing couple squats.

Lost my left eye to glaucoma at 26, didn't even notice until it was gone

sideloaded previously, official kindle downloads dont have the language she needs. Only dictionaries, clippings and user guide was left. I suppose I need to change metadata or something so the kindle wont remove them. I thought 3rd party stores would have correct metadata, but I guess not.

Im not, but the books were fine until i uploaded with calibre, so I am just assuming, yes wifi is on.


calibre version 7.7.0, no plugins, default settings, mac version. Dragged a book to calibre, selected, send to device, turned on the device and the books were gone apart from the ones uploaded. Books are legally purchased. Kindle wifi is connected.

Calibre is deleting books from the device automaticallyBug

When uploading a new book it deletes all the previous ones already on the device if they are not in my calibre library. Is there an option or something, I just deleted like 20 books from my mothers kindle, wtf calibre

Esu aklas vienoj aky ir pusiau kitoj . Reikia ilgai aiškint nes žmonės galvoja kad aklas reiškia kad blogai matau, kad tipo akiniai padės, bet aš nematau nei šviesos. Dažniausiai tuo nesidalinu, bet uzpisa kartais kad isitrenkiu į kažkurį ir reikia aiškintis. Kai žmonės supranta dažniausiai gailisi, kas irgi uzpisa. Aš noriu kad su manim elgtųsi kaip su visais kitais