I tried meditation many many times and it never worked for me. Recently I read somewhere about body and mind connection and how connecting to the body may activate parts of the brain that can recognize what am I feeling. I never know really what I feel or when I am hungry or thirsty, unless it's when I am starving when haven't eaten all day. But I started paying more attention to my body, if I am doing something which doesn't require concentration I just tell myself to go back to my body, it wasn't helping as much. But then one day I tried seeing what is connected in my body and I saw my two halves of the body left and right split in the middle, they felt very different. I started searching how is everything connected and I started untangling so much shit, my gut was making all kinds of sounds and I started feeling this slight electric feeling and noticed parts of me I never noticed before. The body and mind connection is insane, my body is my brain, like I feel tension in my brain but it's really in my body and when I let go of it like letting go of right side of my body, the right side of brain loses tension. First win in a while, just wanted to share