Once upon a time I did work for minimum wage, for four years, when I was in high school. Then after I graduated and found a career.

That’s a lot of pretentious bullshit to pay way too much for Jim Beam. Not to mention he shorted the patron on those shots. I’m always pissed if the bar tender doesn’t fill the shot a little over. This asshole shorted a few mls on each shot.

Funny the ones who say Trump wants to become a dictator or king are the ones calling their dementia president just that. The ones that say Trump will do all the bad things are the ones actively calling for all the bad things.

That will slow down their mass shootings

Jeep fans are a different breed.

How long until the MSM and leftists try to change the wording. Here’s their dream headline. “A non-citizen refuge seeking migrant was wrongfully arrested for a consent absent sexual experience”

Definitely made me chuckle, armored infantry, in the coast guard, then overlapping auto. What’s that it fires so fast it shoots the next round first? I’m stealing that for sure.

Do figures after the decimal point count?

The difference is that Bruce won his medals as a man in men’s events. He didn’t become Caitlyn and then win medals in women’s events.


So in NY it’s illegal to have a gas stove or oven but you can still have a propane grill? I hope that is all artificial lab grown meat, cricket dogs. The cheese better not be from those climate change inducing cows either. I really hate the hypocrisy of politicians.

Haha you assume they don’t have premeditated smear campaigns designated for all well known conservatives.

I really am not saying this as an attack on Biden, however it is kind of an attack on his family and the democrats. I had a neighbor who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s/Dementia and she had a care taker that would take her on walks for exercise. She had that same exact walk, head and eyes straight forward as if she had no recollection of anything happening around her. This really is disgusting how the left continues to parade him around as a healthy man.

The clip takes her words then shows the Declaration of Independence stating that all men are created equal. Which is a true statement, we are all created equal. We all have the same birth rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. To infer that because she stated that DEI is dumbing down America means she is against the idea all men are created equal is clickbait. Let’s not pretend that isn’t the goal of this clip. Again I go back to my original statement and say this is clickbait, which is an edited clip with the desire to create an emotional response. And again both sides use clickbait equally. Thank you for your time. I yield back to the gentleman.


My original statement gave a base description of what clickbait is, this video clip is just that, an edited excerpt of an interview to cause an emotional reaction against an opponent. I also stated both side use clickbait equally. Which was in response to another user’s comment of not understanding the point of the clip. I did not deny anything or misrepresent or inject any of my own views in my comment. But now it seems as in an attempt to gain the high ground you need to claim I am in denial or am too dense to understand. An unnecessary attack against a completely neutral statement.


You are incorrect, it is 100% clickbait and misleading. I don’t care about what side you are on or think I am on. Both sides of the spectrum clip and spin word for or against their opponents in equally malicious ways. You clearly don’t like what patriot mobile(action) stands for, that’s your right. However let’s not pretend that “blue” donors aren’t funneling money in districts to get people elected that push opposing agendas.

It’s clickbait, misinterpretation of wording and meaning to create a negative emotional response towards a company or political group. The same crap that happens all the time from both sides.

I bet those grapes were grown on a non vegan friendly farm that uses fossil fuels to grow, care for , and harvest.