Thanks, I get around 17ish driving around in my Boss 302 track key tune. Worth it.

Weird, came up for me now for whatever reason (on a different network). Thx.

Interesting fact: I obtained my regular S class freighter after collecting the 6 million from the C class dreadnaught I just defeated. Saw it was a really big ‘regular freighter’ so I boarded it after collecting my money and it was S class. Happy happy joy joy.

Turbo Boss ! When too much isn’t enough, left mine stock. Is the Mach 1 a 4spd?

What kind of MPG are you averaging?

It should be a sticky post here, new mini really needs 16gb ram, and 512gb storage MINIMUM. Either standard m2 or Pro.

Thank you for your attention.

I found an S-class ship like this AND S-class MT on the same planet, dropped a message ball on each. Decent weather planet with gravity storms too, made exploring for them fun.

If we took the bones out it wouldn’t be CRUNCHY, WOULD IT?

No, not evergreen, lamnium.

Walk em out wet. Then his face when the ice cold water freezes his feet…

What the hell am I looking at?

Like a frightened turtle!

“vitamin powered sugary cereal” is the description for both ‘free samples’.