Lots of bouldering specific suggestions but I don’t see any one mentioning nutrition. I’m 4 inches shorter then you and 10 lbs heavier while still being generally fit as well. I wonder if you need to eat more to fuel recovery and muscle gain! Try either tracking your macros using something like myfitnesspal or just eating adding calories with whole foods (e.g., add a bowl of oats and peanut butter every night).

The company I worked for only hires from a specific school in the US. DM me for more details and reccs for job hunting!

Do you pluck suckers off peppers as well?

I prefer using cardboard and sheet mulching over weed barrier. Instead of having to deal with the weed barrier falling apart in 2-3 years you have cardboard which breaks down and adds to the soil! I did this to my front year 2 years ago and it’s been amazing!

Also, now is not necessarily the best time to plant. I would recommend signing up for emails about resource centrals garden in a box program and signing up for their fall boxes. You can probably get the box paid for if you are replacing grass. This would depend on your city but most offer reimbursement!

Amazing! I had read about this a little but wasn’t sure on how long to do it for!

Pepper, zucchini and squash care-tips

Last year my tomatoes did amazing and had a huge harvest. I plucked all the lowest branches and was very mindful of suckers! My peppers and gourds didn’t do so well. I’ve read the basic care tips online but I’m wondering if anyone has any lesser known tips and recommendations like trimming suckers on tomatoes plants!

Are there specific qualifications for the mentor? Expectations of what mentorship consists of?

Just sent a tip! Please send the non-watermarked versions!

Hiking The Incline with toddler?

Hi all! My wife and I hike almost every weekend with our 21 month old.

Our friends invited us to the Incline. We’ve done it once before about 3 years but aren’t sure about doing it with our kid in the backpack. Has anyone done this before?

I’ve given my CAQH log-in to my past two and my current employer. They have used it to complete, and then monitor, credentialing and attestation for me which I honestly prefer.

If you’re not comfortable then ask for more information or tell them you would prefer to do it yourself!

This is what everyone is missing about this being in “Golden.” It’s not walkable and barely even bike-able to downtown Golden. It’s in a suburb/industrial area probably 10-15 minutes drive to Golden surrounded by highway.

Thanks! I was able to sow them together but will do this when I get them replaced!

Cool! Sewing worked but I think I’ll reinforce with super glue!

Was that by hand? I sewed mine as a temporary patch but might need to go back in and reinforce!

My commute is 0 minutes working from home!

Looks dope! What child seat is that? I’ve been worried about the strength of that rack-less seats but would love to find a good one!

Did you get a soil test?

How long did it take from seed to sprout and did you plant in spring or fall? We would really like a solid play area for our little one which is why we are thinking of going with sod.

Starting a lawn

I moved into a home about 2 years ago. Both front and back lawn were in very rough shape. We tore out the front lawn and xeriscaped using the garden in a box program. The back yard we left to go wild. Last year was overgrown with kochia and other weeds. Since we have little one we want a small patch of lawn for him to play on. We are going to start with about a 20x20 patch and our current plan is to rototill, cover the area with tarp for 1-2 weeks and then lay down sod. Is it too early to rototill this weekend? Is our plan completely wrong? Would love any input or suggestions for low water but traffic and play resistant options.