You’ll get there! definitely use your sleep doctor as a resource. They usually have a lot of tricks to help things go more smoothly.

Think of how much sleep you missed out on for the last however many years, you gotta catch back up sometimes it takes a long time. I’ve been on CPAP now for about six years. My life is completely different.

I left to start a private practice. Definitely taught me how to take care of employees though.

Worked at a hospital that seemed similar to this. Golden handcuffs.

I am a physio. This is completely true.

Am a physio. There are people that can cope without an ACL. Look up the Delaware Oslo cohort copers / coping criteria.

Lived in houston for over a year. Never want to live in Texas again. Miss certain things, but it’s mainly the food.

My pressure? It’s variable between 4-8.

My AHI is down to 2.3 now. I had mixed central apnea and OSA. My situation I guess is a little odd. 🤷‍♂️

I was a 4.8 and I feel 1000% better with CPAP

Sign of mutual respect 🫡

I’m a PT and I have called docs by their first name, by their title, or just whatever they like to go by 🤷‍♂️

Not sure why you got downvoted, that’s not that spicy of a take

Hiro murai also does a fantastic job at creating an immersive experience

Also newer Trojan non latex bareskin is pretty good too

When I lived in houston, pit room was my spot. Miss it dearly and never made it to truth or corkscrew

Not a bar, but Albany airport has a viewing deck before security which is awesome

Southern junction and waxlight are two nationally acclaimed restaurants here in Buffalo!

Also can check out the terrace for some nice views with food/drink, the restaurant in the art museum, hutch’s

Edit: city hall is great architecture too, you might be able to go to the top as well

Am a PT - this is likely mild post traumatic arthritis. Very common within 10-15 years post op. But you’re doing all the right things to help it not get any more prominent by staying active.