This made me giggle. Thanks.

Pirate Legend

I followed them into the red sea and they were dropping things into the water and they tried to board me. They were both on the ship. I can see where that would be a strategy though.

No she is just squinting a little. She's healthy!

Yes! My boyfriend named her!

He was found homeless and with heat stroke. He was a sweetheart. Couldn't bathe himself so he needed baths every once in awhile. He would want attention all the time and catnip treats were his favorite. He drooled constantly but that was okay because he was just a love bug and you can't say no to those eyes. He wasn't adoptable because of the amount of problems he had but we kept him safe and loved until the end.

You are correct its a cover that goes over all of it.

Its a rainbow skin for a Mac keyboard. :)