Ive only ever seen it used in virtue signaling

Getting the pronouns wrong the first time is much less the issue. Repeating the wrong ones after being explicitly told is the issue. Its not difficult to read and address someone a certain way.

"Hey, im charles. Call me Chip though" "Okay, Chip"

"Hey, im dan. They/them" "Gotcha dan, good to meet you"

Hundreds of years being taught this way, sure. But language evolves over time. You know what swag is, and yolo. You are capable of learning an evolving dialect; you are simply excusing bigotry by saying "but its haaaaaarrrrd" even though its not

Its what makes a trip to the supermarket super

I can never tell if these posts are fake anymore because they sound so fucking absurd that "how could you possibly think you were an asshole here".

NTA. Your baby, your body, your decision to raise them how you see fit. Those other people are trying to claim your life for their own and thats fucked up of them

"Dont tickle me"

tickles you anyway

She didnt respect your boundaries. She can fuck right off. She could have killed either of you by doing that to the driver (you), or worse - she could have made you permanently disabled from an occuring car accident injury. That shit is not okay

Dont forget the beanie cap, chains, and fingerless gloves

It looks like you didnt read the last paragraph i wrote, particularly after the hypothetical questions. Seems like you missed the point as a result

Once you recognize the imposed standard of toxic masculinity (usually from shitty parents telling you to behave certain ways) its up to you if you perpetuate it or not.

They raised you to be emotionless and unwavering. You make the decision to abide by that or not going forward. Its not an easy thing to do. But its on you to break the cycle the same way its on anyone to break the cycle of shitty parenting or breaking addictions or speaking up against abusers or whatever. When the problem is seen, act on it.

Spoken here as the black sheep of a narcissistic, religious, gaslighting family who was booted out for not abiding by their ruleset. I refuse to perpetuate their mentalities and lifestyles

Not everyone has the capacity to be your therapist, even part time, even once in a while. Expecting that out of anyone of any gender is a huge ask. Not everyone is capable. Hell, hardly anyone is. Expecting every woman to be an available therapist for your every need is just as unrealistic as her expecting you to always ground her.

Just because someone cannot perform these things doesnt mean they are a problem; you not being a "rock" at all times doesnt make you a "problem" the same way her not being an at-home therapist doesnt make her a problem. Both are insanely hard expectations to live up to, and, realistically, arent healthy practices anyway. You should never have to shut yourself off for your partner. It should be mutual, mature concession. Communication should always go both ways, and in honesty.

Being emotional and expressing yourself is fine; leaning solely on your partner for all of your emotional needs is draining. This is why friends of all kinds are helpful - those conversations can seep out here and there between many people so that no single person is overwhelmed.

A good way to deal with emotional hardship is to first be in tune with where the emotions come from, and then to express those emotions in a way that is healthy. What result are you hoping for? Will your actions get you that result? What can you do in your power to change things if desired? If your partner isnt emotionally mature enough for these conversations, then they just arent a good partner. All genders are guilty of this, and being combative with each other wont solve the issue in the end

Probably controversial to a lot of people, but i wholeheartedly believe that its okay to remove those kinds of people from your life. People need to be more comfortable calling out those that hate

For a religion so adamantly against witchcraft, they sure enjoy being bathed in blood a lot

This might get backlash, but i always kinda hated that people bash Other M without having played (or watching a playthrough of) it. It seems like a train people jump on.

That said, its an awful "metroid" game according to formula, the story is pretty bad too, but the gameplay was actually pretty nice. To that end, its kinda fun as a cult-following kind of game.

People talk shit on "but Adam told me I cant!!" However i feel like it was established very early on as to why she cant - he didnt want Samus at full power because she might blow the station in half. Given that the feds are just guys with guns and a sheet of metal around them, i think thats a valid concern. Yes, this logic gets thrown out later, but i give it points for at least attempting to adhere to its own logic for a while.

The game has a ton of flaws and doesnt even really feel like a metroid title, but with Nintendo limiting the hardware scope id say they did fine with what they had

I dont know that ive seen a single woman on reddit claiming that womens restrooms are cleaner lol. We always share how disgusting they are

For Madeline's experience feeling like one's own, i absolutely crumbled during the cutscene at the end of chapter 5. It still makes me cry my heart out every since time

Gynos who love seeing/touching vulvas exist too. As long as they can separate profession from desire, all is well. Basically, common sense of "dont use your position of power to abuse your clients"

Personality/emotional connection > materials. Every day of the week

While i love how women can typically offer this, i really wish that men would do this with each other too. Its important (and attractive) to be in tune with your emotions as well as a willingness to be vulnerable. Yes, you will be hurt sometimes for it. But when you find the right people who take you seriously? Life changing

I was looking at the green bean for far too long thinking this was a comedy post. It turns out, i was the green bean the whole time...

This is pretty much the right idea :) if you are not sure about what gender they are, ask! And then just respect them and be nice. Thats all there is to it, really

I think its not so much "destroying" the gender social construct. Rather, its about "reforming" it.

Currently, we have "boy and girl" for gender options and thats it. This identifies most of the population around us pretty comfortably, and is affirming of those who transition to one or the other. Thus, having these two i think is fine.

However, what if we expand our language and culture to include people who are not in the "boy or girl" category? "They dont like pink, but they dont like blue either. They like yellow."

Feminism, at its heart, is about women and women's rights. But it doesnt stop there. Its about creating a world where we can all equally express ourselves and be accepted for it, and that we all have rights both in society (legal) and socially (no rude comments). Hope this helps :)

Becoming dependent on marijuana to "relax". So many addicts are in denial over this. At what point does it go from a hobby here and there to a monthly expense you account for?

Yall ever argue who's ride has more horsepower?