how long is too long? would you say 3 days?

I had the option to take the two tests after the assessment, but I didn't get to it until a few days after and that option disappeared.

You don't suppose girls just randomly waltz into said loser's home, do you? It certainly adds an obstacle when I don't leave the house except for work and to buy food.

I've always considered the top side to be the side being cooked first, but I wonder how different it will feel if I flip it upside down. Will my tastebuds disagree with me?

I remember getting bacon egg and cheeses on a roll for 3$ in high school 10 years ago. Now it's 6$.

My final grade in trig junior year was a 3/100. I boasted it with friends.

I think fios is giving a free nintendo switch if you sign up with them. I don't know if the promo is still on, though.

I have 5 filters under the sink. 3 sediment filters and a dual nsf 42, 53, and 401 certified unit. The water left a terrible chemical after taste without filters.

My recipe calls for both baking soda and powder. I'm curious why use only powder?

I got an ounce of weed 7 years ago and I'm still not done with it. I smoke it maybe 0-3 times a month, and I only need 3 hits.

It just looks like the middle of 2 squares. You divided the rectangle in half, and then found the midpoint of the 2 squares by making the X across the corners.

It's like once you get on cross island, it becomes a lawless mad max land.

I used to love them. Now when I have one, it's not as satisfying, like I'm chasing something that isn't there.