If you are able bodied, just park where it's open. If youre smart you can park right by the furthest cart return and be outta there with no issues when youre done

Nah this is a skill issue. You should be able to cut by the end of the lightning strikes solo. If not then your gear isnt good enough. You should focusing on legiana not worrying about Zin plate

Just cut it yourself? What exactly is the issue here

One of the big reasons theyre also so much better at masking is good masks are super easy to get at any convenience store 

For the longest time Hollywood had the best protocols and in some cases still go back to them because they can't afford the big name talent getting sick. Gotta love capitalism

:Cowboys: Cowboys

This would only make sense if he wasn't also their best defensive player. And it's not even close. 

Seniors have been the fastest growing homeless demographic since 2017 and it's not getting better because it's largely economic. But you go ahead and live in your fantasy land.

y'all really don't get your one medical issue away from being in the same position

You serious? You literally said judging history by the standards of today is dumb. In 1800s Virginia, ~40% of the population was slaves. After Nat Turner's rebellion, there were tons of petitions to end slavery and Richmond newspapers were calling for abolition. Given that I think it's fair to say at least 10-15% of white people also agreed with abolition.  So yea, I dont think you consider the opinions of slaves as meaningful because abolition wasn't an ahistorical idea but rather the majority opinion. 

Would you mind sharing the smithsonian article? It definitely makes sense and reminds me of the people who had a genetic advantage against the plague and subsequently HIV

Generally when people say a kid didn't get their ass kicked as a child and it shows, it means they're entitled behavior went unchecked by their peers

Because it's being driven by people who are not creative and yes they do look down on people who are. 

Wait is the only issue the icemaker? Or there's design issues with the the icemaker that affect all fridge capabilities

What is the value of worrying? If you're not a researcher then all you can do is try to limit your infections and try to get others on board. 

Get your blood tested regularly so you have a strong baseline if any of your numbers get wonky and that's about it.

Maybe the HIV issues will arise and maybe we'll have the science to defend against. Or maybe climate change will have fucked us and it wont really matter. 

Just do the best you can now and that's all you can do

Yea I really don't get it. Unless there's some secret cure that will only come out if it's confirmed to have been from a lab, who fucking cares. 

It's worse because they couldve kept both and frankly someone like Caruso wouldve helped with Russ on the floor. 

It's not tail specifically but any 2 breaks. Between the prone time after the hindleg break and 1 sleep gas, you should be able to get tail and then he'll spin out if he tries to roll

if you cut his tail after his leg then he won't be able to roll anywhere.