hello, i wanted to share my story and was wondering if it is considered normal activity for the trolley here; i am from the bay area and visited SD this weekend for a music festival. I decided to take MTS Blue line to civic center right across from waterfront park starting from Nobel Dr. on my way there, this white guy hops maybe 3-4 stops later, someone who u could tell was clearly on drugs

he kept performing this motion like he was taking the head of someone next to him and slamming it into a wall repeating it

then he proceeds to spit turn around stand up and spit on me and my friend

he shadowboxes right in front of me (he throws punches in my direction maybe three inches or so actually away from me) and is standing up facing me the other way

he straight up says “i will kill you *****” and repeatedly says that

he walked around the trolley abit and kept saying racial slurs, saying stuff like “ur good taco man i won’t kill you”

i’m wearing sunglasses and the guy literally bends down in front of my face trying to make eye contact with me and tells me again that he’d kill me. this was probably the scariest part

in this normal??? Over in the Bay area we have BART which does has some weird shit, but this was by far the most scariest experience i’ve ever had in my entire life. sure people do drugs and stuff on BART but never had someone aggressively approach me like this before.

i had zero clue what to do as if i got off at the next station he may have just followed me but yeah, this makes me very concerned, but clearly ignoring him did nothing

edit: i’m mainly asking if it’s normal, because on BART, it’s typical to see here and there but never the violence part imo