I can run World of Darkness after the time it takes to find my dice.  

I can run Pathfinder or D&D3.5 with a half hour to prep.

I can run any system I've run before after a day of planning.  

With a week, I'd be willing to try running anything I hadn't run before, so long as I had it in a printed form and it didn't require a bunch of miniatures.  

The beginning of the movie Slaughter High.  It starts with a sequence showing the bullying of a character in high school, with his classmates played by the same actors that portray them in the rest of the movie as adults.  Caroline Monro in particular looks more like a flirty teacher than a classmate.  

Even by default I feel like WoD can be brighter or darker depending on what an ST chooses to emphasize and how players choose to interact with it.  

There's one problem with your assessment: two of the three leads on V5 were Swedish, only Kenneth Hite is from the U.S.  V5 is the book that elevated Anarchs to being their own faction, and also the book that cemented them as merely Camarilla with a different aesthetic.  They both had writing credits on the Anarchs book for V5 as well, so they did nothing later to change that.  

Apparently that view isn't limited to American writers. 

MAP was a term made up on 4chan to use in efforts to troll LGBTQ rights efforts.  Meant to stand for "minor attracted person", it's just another in the long line of lazy efforts to use paedophilia as a political weapon. It's not a serious term. 

In the same way that the full Tremere joining the Sabbat could have resulted in a more organized and disciplined group, adding the Setites to the early Cam probably would have resulted in a more ethically flexible and less inhibited Camarilla.  The Setites operated through corruption, and they would likely have worked to corrupt the sect from within.  Imagine a decadent and hedonistic Camarilla.  I'm sure the Toreador could enjoy it, and fair number of the Malks and Brujah would have fun, but it would likely cause tension with the Ventrue and the Nos.  Also worth noting is that a Camarilla that admitted the Setites would be abhorrent to the Assamites. 

The regular Tzimisce have a similar problem joining the Cam as the Tremere joining the Sabbat.  The fundamental goals of the Cam conflict with the Tzimisce clan ideals.  The Tzimisce too were throwing off the yolk of cruel elders, so to join a sect dedicated to following the elders would be anathema.  Likewise the younger Tzimisce interest in metamorphosis conflicts with the Camarilla efforts to pretend to be human.  The sect would have to change for them to join.  Maybe the decadent and indulgent Camarilla corrupted by the Setites might be more comfortable for them, but that would mean the sect would move even further away from the lore.  Such a Camarilla would likely be focused on reveling in vampiric existence more than trying to hide.  

The third one is even worse than the second.  Nobody came back to be in it, things like brightness and colour balance are inconsistent from scene to scene, and the performances aren't memorable.

"Manipulative codependent partner" would be an interesting concept for an unseelie Boggan, I have to give you that one.  

I don't see the Hairdresser, go check some spider caves.  

I check the AP and Reuters websites when I actively want to see the headlines.  I look over the suggested news items in my Google app when I'm being passive.  

That depends on what kind of Antediluvians we're discussing.  The essential question is: can an Antediluvian be diablerised?  

If we're going with the more recent answer that they cannot be, then no the Tremere joining the Sabbat would make no real difference.  When Antes can survive having their soul consumed, they have plot armor and are more of a plot device than an opponent.  

If we're going with the older answer that they can be, then the Tremere joining the Sabbat wouldn't guarantee success, but it might help increase the odds.  Saulot wasn't the only Ante that was considered for diablerie, and a few others were researched.  If Sabbat members were able to use that research to locate and diablerise any other Antes before they begin to arise, then the Sabbat will have a better chance since they would be eliminating one of an already small number of foes, increasing the power of the Sabbat, and demoralizing the elders of that clan.

Bringing in the Setites would be a risky move, but if they were desperate enough it might be considered.  I would expect the Giovanni to get an invite before the Followers of Set.  I'm sure the Ventrue, Old Clan Tzimisce, and Giovanni could have plenty of stuffy aristocrat talk that the Toreador would nod along with to be polite.  

As for the Assamites, they were a dangerous mix of self-righteous and proud before the blood curse.  Without that to humble them, I doubt they'd see a need to make an alliance until they faced severe consequences in some other way.  What way they suffered would determine how they might respond.  They obviously wouldn't ally with whatever group caused the suffering, but they might ally with the opposition group if they haven't already burned that bridge, or they might go to ground and scatter.  I doubt they'd seek to ally with a small non-aligned group as that wouldn't provide much in the way of added safety.  

I don't think the Tremere could have joined the Sabbat without the Sabbat being fundamentally different.  Yes, the Tremere were fine with using diablerie as a tool, but the clan was also very much in support of obeying the clan's elders.  A movement like the Anarch Revolt (which became the Sabbat) that was pure anti-elder wouldn't have worked for them.  

The only ways would be if either the elders of clan Tremere had been entirely wiped out by the mass of their enemies, or if the Sabbat had moderated their views to accept firm rule by elders.  Both of those would so change the setting that it becomes completely different.  

Without the Tremere, the Camarilla probably wouldn't have formed (the Tremere are said to have proposed the idea, albeit to the Ventrue who then presented it as their great idea), or if it did it might have been later and/or a smaller group, leading to a weaker Camarilla at best.  The old clan Tzimisce would be of extremely limited benefit, being so strongly bound to their traditional domains, and not even able to contribute the assistance of Vicissitude.  Perhaps some of them might have had access to Koldunism, but that is much more limited in scope than Thaumaturgy, and in DAV20 somewhat geographically limited as well.  

Meanwhile, a Sabbat that accepted hierarchy would be more organized and the increased discipline would rein in the worst excesses of the sect. Also, access to Tremere Thaumaturgy being more exclusive to the Sabbat would have been a huge advantage.  The factors would likely have lead to greater Sabbat victories and increased Sabbat control in Europe and North America.  

Finally, the Assamites being left to freely cull other kindred could be a threat to all, so I suspect that either alliances would be formed or the clan would be declared an enemy to all and actively hunted.  

I do like the idea of the two clans working together, but it really wouldn't work in the Dark Ages era.  The Lasombra were one of the pillar clans in the Anarch revolt because of how callously the Lasombra elders treated their childer.  At the time, the Tremere had a strict hierarchy, even more iron-clad than in the modern nights given that all of their eldest were still active (and even Tremere still participated somewhat) and involved in the night to night survival of the clan.  

What might have been feasible would be a clan schism.  The elders of the Lasombra could have formed an alliance with the Tremere while the young allied with the Tzimisce.  Unfortunately, the pride of the Lasombra elders would not allow such a thing, and in any case such an alliance would have less benefit for the Lasombra than for the Tremere.  The Tremere were already short on safety due to the sheer number of clans that hated them, they would have little defensive benefit for the Lasombra.  Meanwhile, the Lasombra could help legitimize the Tremere, but would gain little for it. 

Wealthy Peasant

So the obvious choice is to support a Russian war of aggression.  Who was hired by Russia for carrying out that war... The Wagner Group?  Wait, they're named for Richard Wagner, chosen as namesake due to being Hitler's favourite composer.

I have difficulty picturing an unseelie Boggan who isn't just passive aggressive.  Like they'll tidy up the apartment while you're out, but they'll leave a mean note about not letting dishes soak for so long.  

Having a known sire does make it a bit obvious.  

Depends if I respect them or not.  If I respect them, I'd call them by name.  If not I'd call them "padre" in a sarcastic tone.  

You and I just lived through huge numbers of people refusing to get a shot to save their own and others' lives.  In a situation where life was threatened, some people shrugged, and others clamoured for pestilence.  WoD is darker and worse than that.  

What's shittier than a world where humanity accepts vampires despite it requiring humans to become as cattle for the kindred?  "Like our world, but worse" certainly applies if we consider the idea of the homeless being deemed acceptable for vampires to feed on, or the concept of the poor being paid minimum wage for taking their literal blood.  

Honestly, a world where humanity can effectively unite and rise to defeat kindred is a much more hopeful world than the WoD is normally presented to be.  

Fortunately, in the WoD a great deal of tragedies were all human caused.  And a few were other types of supernaturals.  Kindred have been more reactive than proactive overall.  

I might never be able to hear that song without thinking of that heist scene for the rest of my life.  

Watching a few of his movies, it becomes apparent that he really wants to tell the villain's story.  His other movies House of 1000 Corpses, and the Devil's Rejects, do the same thing as his Halloween movies.  The villain from the first movie becomes the focus in the second movie and is humanized/treated as an anti-hero.  

Part two has multiple farming/harvest montages, a scene where the characters literally go in a circle and exposit their backstories, and another similar fight against the same villain against the same character.