I work in a smaller office with about 10-15 people. When the boss does lunch, we all just order what we want and he pays. It’s supposed to be a treat, not some superficial crapshoot that doesn’t even matter. I enjoy it because I either don’t have to eat my lunch from home that day or I saved money on a lunch I would’ve bought myself.

Can see how that isn’t realistic in bigger offices. Though departments, depending on size, could realistically do what my work does for everyone.

Independence Day.

I want them to know we’re willing to chat and be peaceful but if they want to f**k around, we will help them find out.

Just sad, frustrated, and tired all the time. Going through the motions on autopilot, best I can for my family at this point. I’m there but completely detached. Work isn’t fun. Being home isn’t fun. I think my car rides to and from are the only peace I get but are filled with intrusive thoughts.

Mikey is the last one I’d imagine being able to do this. Maybe Donatello.

I handle purchasing for a food equipment dealer. We sell to restaurants, hotels, schools, etc. I procure the items we sell for our showroom, along with recurring customers and bigger projects we take on. Basically I buy stuff all day and make sure we get what we need when we need it.

Definitely my impression from the dynasty deep dive video as well. They had a vision of what the game should be - basically NCAA 14 on steroids with more depth. I think they knew they needed the additional time to get it where they wanted it. After being away for a decade... they knew they had to nail this.

Took our kids to a dinosaur thing inside an arena today... you win.

I went to Goo Goo Dolls end of last summer and aisles were crammed. Basic movement throughout the place was a hindrance, which is why I mention in an actual situation, the place will have issues. Hopefully the safeguards in place are sufficient. I don't wish bad, just stating how I viewed my experience. I've just had better experiences inside arenas, which is a bummer because outdoor venues are a lot of fun.

It isn't practical. I shoot at the range how I'd shoot in a real situation. These things just give you more jams and issues. Happy to use multiple 12rd and 15rd mags as opposed to either of those.

Can't do it... gotta feed the family all week, not just myself for one meal.

So the test was successful since the engine clearly went off with a bang?

I move the nightstand bible to the safe. Step 1 after entering hotel room.

I do it all the time. Anything to escape reality and bring me back to a time that wasn't so tiring and actually enjoyable.

Unpopular opinion but not a fan of that places setup. Crammed as much stuff into as little space as possible. Feel like a bunch of sardines crammed in. Moving throughout the place is a nightmare. I've gone for one event and if anything bad happens at that place, so many people are getting trampled if a mass exodus happens.

This is awesome. Good looking pie and sweet setup!

Nobody will have the be-all answer for you, bud! Every situation will be different and all of our experiences will be different. From the sounds of it, you and your wife have a solid foundation and are ready to hit the ground running. My wife and I were the same way 10 years ago with our first child. You'll take your little guy to the doctor way more than you need to but you'll feel better for doing it, the saying, "better safe than sorry" has never been more true. We have fraternal twins who are almost 3 as well and things are hectic due to the numbers now, not due to inexperience.

That knowledge you are after will come with time. You'll screw up and realize moments later how to correct it next time. Being a good dad is the hardest and most fun thing you can do as a "man". Enjoy it, don't sweat the small stuff.

I have a 2018 Equinox with a diesel engine and the light comes on with 60 miles to go. I'll ride it down to 30 and after that it just says "LOW" - I know how long it lasts and where I'm driving. Living on the wild side.

When Trump said he'd put an end to the Russian and Ukraine stuff, I actually believed him... I disagree with a lot of the things he says and does but the guy has massive balls. He'll go to Russia or North Korea and put an end to the nonesense, whatever business deal he has to swing. If people stop dying... who cares how its done.

How do you even go back to work after taking so much time off? I took a Friday and Monday off to give myself a long weekend, recently (11yr wedding anniverary)... never again. What is the point of taking time off, if getting back to work is a massive nightmare? It isn't even worth it from where I'm standing. We have a 10yr old and I took a week off when he was born. Our fraternal twins (almost 3), I was only able to take three days.

You build a support system with family / friends and you literally make it work, there isn't another option for the working class. Does it suck? Yeah. But its been that way for decades and it isn't changing. Learn, adapt, overcome.

Love the OD color. Wish I had gone for that one with mine. Standard black but I have the OD grip for it, so the opposite of you! Its a fun gun that I (knock on wood) haven't had any issues with.