Wash your hands. With soap - not sanitizer. Also stay hydrated.

She’s a Bloody Mary which a lot of people don’t know

Harriet Tubman (and there has to be a song about ppl think she punches babies)

Joan of Arc

Zheng Yi Sao aka the baddest of all the pirates

(Sometimes called, Zheng Yi Sao or "Wife of Zheng Yi," she's known to history as Ching Shih for what she accomplished once he died)

Caesar Chavez

Mary Magdalene

I struggled with liking a lot of the main characters in ACOTAR, but I had no problem in TOG becoming immediately attached (minus the fact that we all go from wondering who tf Mannon is to absolutely loving her). To me it’s a much better story while also having more likable characters.

No one has to be the bigger person when they’re being attacked. Turning the other cheek is not the answer and you do not have to compromise with someone who is insulting and belittling you because of a perceived slight. And the narrative that you should is harmful in and of itself, especially to women.

The idea that you have to tolerate anyone’s bs for the sake of peace is bs and does nothing but show that person their behavior has no negative consequences.

I think it helps that I don’t have to look at my phone for the time, which means i don’t see all my notifications or mindlessly start going through things.

It’s also my favorite, along with Little Fall of Rain and Empty chairs at empty tables.

That play just does devastation so well

Dear Evan Hansen and the Greatest Showman

When they’re done

When they are gone, will we still cry their name?

When they no longer walk the strip, replaced

When the light show is over, the people gone

When hate wins, and hope is lost

The survivors scattered, homes taken over

Their history rewritten, to the victors go the spoils

A history repeated, drowning the cries of never again

Eyes turned away, ignoring the pain in ever direction

A boat turned away, made up for by aide never sent

A court overruled, the death of a sovereign state

A promise broken, a people lost, a pattern repeated

I will never forget, never again.

When they’re donePoem
Moderator removed post

It was like 80% racism and 15% attitude (especially later when she starts fighting back) and 5% those kinda scary moments where even as an audience member I was like you good?

And I get that. But that’s not what came across in your message. People feel defensive because they thought you attacked in what’s meant to be a safe space (even when making a mistake). And while you aren’t responsible for how people feel (especially randoms on the internet) it is important to recognize that how people interpret your wording impacts the way they view the actual thing you’re trying to do. This piece from Harvard goes over the difference between calling in and out. This is definitely a space where calling in is more impactful because it’s meant to be a safe space and the vast majority of people here are open to being corrected when wrong. They just don’t want to feel attacked for honest mistakes or gaps in knowledge.

There are likely always going to be trolls who throw fits over any little thing, but as long as you practice calling in, instead of calling out (unless you’ve tried and failed) most people’s response will be thanks I didn’t know that.

It’s because you implied that the OP should already know and was deliberately using the wrong pronouns with the “Mik has been pretty vocal about…”

How you present information matters and you presented it as information the OP should’ve known. Which was not the best choice. And is the reason multiple people are saying what you said wasn’t the correct way to share that information.

The surgery look was cool because of what it represents, but wasn’t my favorite in terms of looks. It’s like a good documentary vs a good romcom - the focus is different.

But that’s not what your intention was. It was a call out - about something they (OP) said they didn’t know. A better comment would’ve been:

Heads up Mik prefers she/her pronouns in drag.

That’s literally all you needed to say.

Bacon - it’s disgusting and fatty and gross.

And I never hear the end of it

Ironically, I’m really good at making it.

I would say the issue isn’t how frequently they’re showering, but that they smell. I can go several days without showering without smelling because I’m still practicing hygiene.

I would suggest having a conversation with them about that. Because it could be as simple as them needing a different deodorant (I tried a natural deodorant one time and it did not work with my body chemistry - I smelled worse than if I wore none). I know those kinds of conversations are hard, but I’d rather someone told me and helped me figure out why than just be known as smelly.