there are some properly odd people around.

Well his name is Weirdafella!

He's such a smug looking cunt. Hopefully he won't be looking as smug after Thursday.

Yeah, I'm gonna need another 3 or 4 hours of this content please.

Cool, thanks. I remember starting this game and really wanting to enjoy it but I just can't play games that don't let you invert the y axis, so I gave up.

I seem to recall that the original did not have the option to invert the y-axis. Does the remaster have this option?

Feel free to tell me to mind my own business here but is this the same guy that’s the subject of the only two posts you’ve made?

If so, please get out of this. He and (most of) his his family are scum bags. You deserve better than this. Even being alone is better this, trust me.

You’re still speaking for people other than yourself. It’s baffling that this needs to be explained to you. But then again, you are a Reform voter.

It wasn't a pro-Russian comment and few people care about the war anymore.

It was an out of context hit job that very few Brits will actually care about

You really should take your own advice.

I thought ocelots were smallish too!

Grow up. What are you, six years old? If you don’t like what I wrote, move on. You clearly don’t have the intellect to speak with me. And clearly can’t see the world past the end of your i’ll-informed nose. I deal with people a hell of a lot smarter than you apparently are. Bye and have a lovely day.

That's what the snowflake responded with.

If you don’t like what I wrote, move on.

The irony. And you blocked the guy too. What a snowflake

Why does he look like Ben Affleck on that cover?

Do the Tories and their lickspittles in the press now want a form of PR?

Looks like it, doesn't it! Once they get back in power they'd likely change it back though. FPTP is only unfair if they can't get a whiff of power.