I've heard this one but "face" instead of "chest"

Gotta throw your own bday parties if recognition is something you want. Expecting or hoping people remember is a sure fire way to be disappointed and sad.

Damn, my experience in Chicago has been the exact opposite. Probably just depends where you are but I've biked thousands of miles around the city and never had any of that stuff.

Camping last year with a group of like 10 people. Set up next to this couple that I didn't know, super nice and funny people.

We get to bedtime and I swear to FUCK I have never heard anyone snore louder in my 30 years. Guttural, gasping snoring. Like I feared for this man's health, I bet you could hear him from 100 yards away.

I got out of my hammock and literally dragged it out of the campsite and found a tree super far away. Had a great night's sleep after that.

Upvote, disagree with OP.

Me backing their Kickstarter in 2012 reading this post's title

Different century, same old shit. Not likening the average person's experience to slavery, but we are all building pyramids for the 1% and are told to be grateful.

I shared this on another comment, but if you like Bob Ross for the vibes, you'll probably like Stuart Davies

A fellow afternoon napper... let me introduce you to oil painting with Stuart Davies. This guy puts me right out

Easily one of the best active channels on YT

I started watching his stuff back in like 2018.

A few years later I had a FWB thing with a girl. We still dated around while we had our thing.

One day she says she went on a date with this guy who does art restoration. I asked his name, she said Julian. I was like, BAUMGARTNER?? And she was like, you know him?

It was surreal. I think they're still together.

Civilization has 100% reliance on agriculture

Overproduce food = more humans every year

Never going to stop producing more food

Imminent collapse

We're fucked and we're taking the world down with us 🤡

It's literally never too late to change careers, but especially so in your 20s. If it doesn't feel good now, it probably won't feel good when you're still doing it in 10 years.

Ask yourself what you like about what you do, and why you do it. There is value in doing a job for stability and security, but many people do not end up feeling the fulfillment they seek from a job that just pays the bills.

On the other hand, many will tell you that a job is a job, it's not your life. If it pays well and allows you to do the things you enjoy, that's a big win.

I fall more into the latter camp, however I am feeling like I need to shake things up big time in the next few years. I've had a decent job and made okay investments the last few years, but like you, something is missing.

Maybe I'll go WWOOF for a couple of years in Europe or something.

Lots of great suggestions here, but I want to share one that changed my life:

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

Calls into question the "facts" we accept in our modern global culture. Completely upended how I look at the world. I think about it every day.

man 30 - 34

Littleseed Farms has really great deodorant. A little expensive but bas the benefit of being sustainable, you can mail back your empty containers.

I mix coconut with cedar vanilla and it's great.

man 30 - 34

OP, which lessons are you talking about that you're "too old" to put to use?

LMAO what a random ass encounter-turned-relationship

Also giving no in-between story, just that you're now dating, is great. Like her reply was "Yeah we met 15 years ago. Wanna be my bf or"

It's actually really bad for the nutritionist, supplement, and pharmaceutical businesses, as well as the private healthcare business as a whole. For every McDonald's that pops up, those four thrive. You could also argue it's bad for the auto business as well.

I'm poorly paraphrasing a video I saw once, but it's interesting to think about how much of our economy revolves around quick fixes that address only symptoms of the larger issue which is general sedentarism. As a cyclist, I'd love to see more people doing it.

Downvote, agree.

To add onto censorship, driving school should be photos and videos of accidents and death of drivers that fucked around and found out. That would likely create a lot more defensive drivers.

News outlets should play ACTUAL war footage and show ACTUAL people and children fucking dying so we can stop supporting brutal, awful wars. Everyone loses in war. Make it real, have some balls, show it on TV to the masses that seem to think supporting war is good. Guarantee if people saw some of the real shit they would not shout their war cries.

That people would just coast on the "free money" is actually a common objection to UBI (universal basic income). There are studies that show that employment actually increases with UBI, as does overall life satisfaction.

On a wider scale I'm sure there would be people who would just take the money and not try to find a job, but with the smaller studies that have been done that's not the case.

Definitely not insecure bald man chiming in, bald is super cool

I'll say some I haven't seen in other replies (save money, exercise, which are all very important)

Treat people well.

I ran a small painting business as an internship at your age, and the advice from up top was "maximize your profit no matter what".

So I did. I didn't pay my painters as much as they deserved and I took it instead. Granted this helped me pay off my college debt, but if I could go back I would have paid them double. Good people should be compensated well.

But also... just be kind to people. Buy a homeless person a meal every once in a while, go volunteer, smile at people and offer to help, really listen when people are talking, put people's birthdays in your phone.

Read books.

Just read. Sci fi and fantasy are my favorites, but I dabble in "self-help" or self improvement books. Here are some books that changed my life:

  • Daring Greatly by Brene Brown - About vulnerability and shame, huge insights into human culture and how we treat one another.
  • Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari - Changed the way I look at human history and human society. Very readable history book.
  • Ishmael by Daniel Quinn - Honestly the book that changed how I view the world the most. How did things come to be the way they are?
Give yourself grace.

Life is learning. Change is constant. You'll fuck up, be kind to yourself when you do. Challenge yourself to do better, but love yourself all the same. You're the only person you're truly with your whole life.

Try new things.

Get out of your comfort zone and try new stuff. Improv classes, doing a triathlon, living in a different state or country. Not only will you meet lifelong friends, you'll become a more well-rounded person.


It's a dumb phrase used in a lot of dumb ways, but the underlying lesson is there - we only get one shot. Make it a fucking good one! Do lots of stuff!!

man 30 - 34

But trust me on this, your body and your wallet will thank you later on if you do these things.

And honestly, romantic prospects will appreciate a lot of this too, especially the health and wealth related ones