I expect that if trump gets a second term Cali and New York will leave the union.

Yes they can but republicans control most state legislatures, and democrats need to do a better job of running against them.

Yeah her post surgical recovery is gonna be really really rough but she probably needed to do it before the running arc.

I vehemently disagree with Alan on a political level, but his points on fat activism are normally fair

The prolonged stationary period dramatically increases the likelihood of deep vein thrombosis and if that turns into a pulmonary embolism then they aren’t making it out of there

I don’t think it’s impossible it’s very very very calorie dense foods and they’ve been eating that way since childhood so it is doable

Yeah it’s like bro I guarantee that a socialist government would be exponentially more fatphobic because they (the fat activists) wouldn’t be at the top. Though I watched a video on the hidden channel yesterday and it was interesting she reckons fat activism is losing steam because the activists keep dying and the interest is waning so they have to do other stuff

I was thinking they’d have to have permanent ABG analysis through an arterial line and even then that requires a computer.

I mean yes they can operate on obese patients, in fact they’ve gotten pretty good at keeping them alive with stuff like positive airway pressure, intubation, and humidification of the air going into your lungs, however even with all that it is still a risk to operate on someone larger and it is the doctors prerogative if they agree to operate on you or not.

Plus I don’t mean to sound insensitive, they don’t want you to regrow boobs with obesity…

I mean Austin to Los Angeles wouldn’t be that much of a risk? The risk with flying and blood clots is remaining stationary for too long, it would be a far bigger risk post surgery particularly if they start with her stomach or back boobs.

Yeah I feel that I was a skinny bugger in my early twenties but I ate like Anna does, and steadily kept on gaining weight until I was 300 lbs. and man did I feel it, everything was harder, but thankfully I started losing weight I’m 85 lbs down now with about another 60 to go and I can do it. I can’t fathom how hard it must be on Anna even if she’s unwilling to admit it

That’s trick numero uno for the fat activism movement

If you have a look at the total lipidema care TikTok channel you’ll see they’re the ones that will send her to a hotel for the initial wound healing phase it will be very interesting seeing how much she will vlog over this period

Honestly I low key reckon he would get a bigger following than Anna out of morbid fascination.

So that’s a yes then, you can reverse pre-diabetes I know however old mate Anna Banana would not have done that because their diet is awful

Also some of the things they point out are not anything to do with the LGBT movement; it’s just to do with capitalism bro.

Except it’s not trans phobic nor is it fatphobic to deny surgery to super morbidly obese people, it is much much much much harder to keep you alive on the table but they are right that it’s only really trans top surgeries that they’re denied which is definitely strange.

She defo has PCOS, and I think an undisclosed thyroid’s s condition like hashimotos or something?

I think she is one of the least transparent fatfluencers out there.

Yeah I am just watching her react to the latest video man, I thought she was actually pretty sympathetic to old mate Anna