gaming/office desk and dining chair option

If i have a white wall with a slight darker than neutral grey carpet home, using LANEBERG Ikea dining table, what colour and chair designs could I go? I want a cozy vibe.

My kitchen is just one wall of the dining room. I have been avoiding glass or full white and black to not give too cold, cool and modern vibe. I have SVENARUM Ikea shelving unit and I wouldnt mind following this vibe for the rest of the room too

In my bedroom I will have MALM either white, black or Wooden queen size bed. Next to it, Im wondering what colour office/gaming desk I should have. Again, bedroom also has light netural dark grey carpet and white wall

Chair option for my kitchen/dining room

If i have a white wall with a slight darker than neutral grey carpet home, using LANEBERG Ikea dining table, what colour and chair designs could I go? I want a cozy vibe.

My kitchen is just one wall of the dining room. I have been avoiding glass or full white and black to not give too cold, cool and modern vibe. I have SVENARUM Ikea shelving unit and I wouldnt mind following this vibe for the rest of the room too

marketing bro. No merchandise can be found easily, no games, no cards, no toys, not even posters. No fan arts and not much fan created marketing being done either. No discussions and YouTube.

Geodude. I didn't like it first because Digimon is better than Pokemon but it grew on me

16 is still a kid in my book

For me, maybe cuz I'm less korean than I am western. So when I visited Korea, I dressed, spoke and acted differently to local Koreans. I felt isolated and felt like a foreigner. Their values and culture was so different. It's my family values that has been dialled to 150%. I felts the two bi culture of home and outside home already taxing as it is cuz I find pros and cons in both home Asian culture and pros and cons in work western culture. But travelling there as a tourist without seeing any relatives made me feel very outsider ish but when I spend time with my relatives, the pros of home Asian culture that's been dialled to 11 is sooo nice. But I'm not very close to many of them and developing the relationship it currently. So whenever I visit, I'm mostly travelling solo with friends and only spending fraction of my time with bloodlines, so I feel the bad and foreign korean culture to be very daunting. It is nice to travel but if I try to mentally and emotionally connect with them, there is discrepancy. So I just turn off my mind and act like a normal diaspora 2nd Gen tourist checking out his heritage instead of a korean visiting my home country

I sensed it from the very first art that it will turn out this way

I think we can solidly confirm it alread

This is called stupidity. Be sensitive to things that actually matters. Not this dog crap culture bs agenda left is pushing for.

fire the workers who are making these trash champion designs. Fire all trash workers from the balance team. Fire the trashy higher ups who aren't allowing creative and good designs and balancing and making only money making balance and design decisions. Bring back Ezreal, shurelia and certainly T back with maximum accommodation. travel back in time and fire Jag and fire the people who hired Jag and approved his designs. Fire the new Ahri skin team who came up with the idea, price, and approved committee. Fire the person who designed the new champion mastery icons. Travel back in time again and fire the ceo and the owners before they sell riot to tencent games. Fire all champion character and skin designers that sucks up to the Chinese audience with their Chinese eastern designs. Some are okay but not when it becomes 80% of the game. We need variety. Travel back in time... again and fire the person who came up with the idea of mythic items. Fire the jungle patch team. Fire the adc balancing team. Fire the higher ups for not creating more support champions. Fire for not making Top lane any more interactive

I agree with many things you've said.

But seperatly, to just leave a comment on the zhonya opinion. Mostly I do follow the mindset, have enough damage? Then buy something else. However I don't reach that "enough damage" till 3rd decap and stacks. I go cryptbloom as 4th if I have no stacks or evenly fed. If fed or have stacks, I go zhonya or Void staff.

Just extra magic pen or extra survival method to not lose my lead. I have rescued so many of my 20+ stacks thanks to zhonya before since I still make stupid mistakes and engages due to my lack of skill. (high plat, low emer...) So zhonya comes clutch every time I'm being an idiot and im about to lose my lead from stupid dives.

I roll in with e like an idiot, I w then zhonya, everyone gathers around me, I group stun and ult at the same spot. Does damage to all bruisers and tanks in my area. I flash e, q auto towards enemy adc as my team who came to my rescue during zhonya and w stun duration takes care of the weakened by my ult damage enemy front liners. So many times I have been saved by my stupid engages.

so many people here are not understanding OP's point. Everyone talking about tank or bulk but OP is suggesting warmogs for its healing factor. I feel for OP.

Anyways my opinion is, maybe warmogs will only be viable as 4th or last item in replacement of Zhonya. I like the healing idea after you disengage from your first jump to the fight. But to be bought before 4th, you have no damage. Should focus on damage first and foremost. Also the ult cd is too long to take advantage of Warmogs healing. So after you burst an enemy and ult back and heal with warmogs, what are you gonna do with low damage and ult in cooldown. So hence having warmogs as 4th or 5th, or even sell zhonya after using it once during those super long games with excess money, that way it synergies with high damage, low ult cd and warmogs healing and decent bulkiness.

But for a game to go till 4th or 5th item... it would only work in low elo. probs till plat or emerald depending on your server.

Def creative but not something that needs a serious consideration on 80% of our ekko games

funny cuz Japan's reaction on him is completely different.

Here is their reason on why they were shocked. After digimon adventure and 02, the us (back in the days when we were kids) were in love with Terriermon who is the cutest. And cuz of the other seasons we were used to instant transformation for evolution sequence. However, not even Renamon or Guilmon, but Terriermon being the cutest to evolve first in this season with his skin seemingly being ripped and his face showed a sight of pain. Everyone got grossed out. It would've been less shocking if either Renamon or Guilmon evolved before Terriermon. Also the cute terriermon who became mad man with a gun who lost his control and sanity also was a shock. And Japan also had a gun incident not long before this episode so that didn't help either.

Cuteness + shock of seeing something different from other seasons + First evolution of the season + skin ripping + facial pain expression + cuteness to insane gun madman + irl gun incident.... 7 shock factors in total 🤣🤣🤣🤣 boys loved it, girls cried their hearts out