One of the university sub specialists has done that. The first time I sent a patient to him and they saw the np instead we had a real come to Jesus conversation about our mutual expectations…. Basically it was only resolved by him saying send him the pt info directly and how urgent I felt it was and he would make sure they get scheduled appropriately…. Inconvenient for both of us…. But I get it as he is also stretched too thin….

Mid levels have made my practice busier and fuller than ever. They love to send people for consults. Granted I’m doing more primary care than specialty care with many of them but they are all very grateful and very easy compared to my usual patients…. My problem now is being too busy and backed up. I could work more and get divorced or offer up 5 minute visits instead of standard ones…. Haven’t done either yet… 🤣

I would try kitty litter or baking soda maybe cover it up so it doesn’t get wet from humidity or rain. Let it sit on there for a couple of days and keep repeating if you are seeing progress

Ugh sorry for replying to myself, just read original post again. First, don’t buy a car for residency. Drive what you have or whatever is cheap. You won’t be driving much anyway….. I sold my first car at the end of residency when I was 31 after 9 years of ownership and took a hand me down from my parents. I’m 54 and we now own 7 cars. (Too many kids…). Second, travel gets better as you get older and you have more money. Don’t blow it early. I was 40 when I went to Hawaii for the first time and the last few years have been awesome and expensive family trips which were possible because of Early frugality. Hope that helps!

We live in a private street with a paver speed bump as you enter the neighborhood. It goes both ways between consumer and service providers…. We call it the bump tax. After I get a ridiculous quote I say ok now what’s your real price?

Save first then spend accordingly. It’s hard for me to look 25 years back where you are but we have always saved at least 25% of our take home pay and often significantly more. I’m now able to buy anything reasonable I want but that took decent amounts of delayed gratification…. Good luck! The fact that you are asking now is good.


True and false. Through a concerted industry push pain was deemed the fifth ‘vital sign’ and had to be measured and treated just like blood pressure or temperature. Surveys didn’t do it single handedly, but measuring and grading and rewarding pain control did…. 👎👎👎

You are both retired and you have small children and time. Homeschool is the way. In any large-ish city there will be a big homeschool community for social exposure and I guarantee you will get more education for your kids, more personalization to their needs and as a bonus they will end up incredibly ahead of their peers….. this school will never do as well as you would and the time spent together is irreplaceable. Think about it…

It rolls fast. Keep adding and you will start to say ‘why am I working?’ On a good stock market day…

We have only had problems with drain lines running from the house. Trees have entered them/shifted them. Never any problems with an adjacent foundation. Oaks I would worry. Norway maple with superficial surface roots? Maybe…. So big it eventually falls on the house in a windstorm, sure, maybe….

Showed up on Monday, 6 days after flight. Will see how they do in reimbursement for the clothes purchases…. We got an email from allegiant that they were still looking for the bag yesterday, a day after it was delivered…. 🙃

Yep, no joy. They don’t have it. Also they are responsible for reasonable incidental expenses incurred due to delayed baggage (like clothes, shoes, underwear, toiletries). You can’t go on a shopping spree, but you need to be dressed…. 😝.

The fact that they said it might take one to two weeks to even get a response gives a wide window for what is reasonable to purchase…. 😢

I just seeded about 2500 feet of lawn rather than paying a ridiculous hydro seeding outfit. 40$ of seed 25$ of fertilizer20$ of straw super snazzy sprinkler $50 and an hour of my Sunday afternoon. (Plus a trip to Lowe’s where I bought flowers for the beds and veggies for the garden too). Nw 15ish or so. Choose your own adventure and have fun! My spend has been vacations with our 4 boys who are growing old too fast….

Did I miss your paying for med school while having one income plan? Shouldn’t you be building a school payment fund over a retirement fund? Med school ain’t cheap.

This investment allocation in retirement is nonsensical…. Sell your gooey stock…. Problem solved…. If you had done this before you wouldn’t be here now….

6 gallons/minute through a toilet makes noise no matter what you say…. Can’t help explain physics to you any more than that… 🤷‍♂️. If your rent includes utilities you aren’t responsible for paying utilities. Hope that helps!

I’m saying you need to pay more attention to your surroundings if you have any plan to get through life successfully. That degree of leakage makes noise, it’s that simple…. Sorry to put it so bluntly…. I think your landlord was being very fair in their offer. It’s up to you how to respond. Good luck!

I didn’t hear a toilet running at 90 gallons every 15 minutes….. 😝

I’m similarly situated but my job isn’t affecting my health. Easy answer for me in your situation would be to hang up the towel. If everything goes to heck it doesn’t matter if you have 12 15 or 20 million…. Good luck!