There’s a lot of factors that go into signing with a city beyond taxes, like actually having to live in the city you’re playing in. Buffalo is terrible, Florida has a high chance your home will just get NOPE’d off the face of the planet by a hurricane, Seattle is waiting to sink into the sea, and you can play for a decade in Arizona or Atlanta and suddenly find yourself in Winnipeg or Utah.

one who told me it’s illegal for unmarried people to live together

Finally, a legal excuse to evict my toddler.

Every time it comes up I immediately go to my settings to fix it

student who abandons his dorm room to camp out in protest on the lawn of a municipal building,”

Hey wait a minute was that the whole point of this ruling? To allow cities to disrupt legitimate round the clock protests under this ruling?

“The fear” definitely implies it’s the latter. But I agree the former is far more likely.


And it actually ends up being a cost factor, as well. Gotta drop your car off for a full day? Okay, now you gotta have a rental of an Uber for all that time, on top of the costs. Ends up making people delay their car maintenance because they can’t holistically afford it.

public transport is a threat to their business?

Very odd take.

My favourite area is the stores that have those signs. For instance, the Firestone on the Boulevard. Like… do they understand that I will choose a mechanic that has some measure of convenience to it? So if I have to leave my car for a full day or more, having public transit makes me more likely to use that place. Same for basically everything that isn’t major shopping. Hell, I would live somewhere further if the transit commute was reasonable, but for now I make sure I work within a ten minute drive, cause I don’t get paid to sit in traffic.

Since moving here from Vancouver BC I tell everyone the two things I miss most about Vancouver are:
1) The sky line and sunsets. 2) good public transit

“My property values!”
-people who don’t understand property value

VAN - NHL :61012:

We are rich beyond our wildest dreams

Adding on to this, if your home can support it(ie, you can get some safe quiet time) then you can do telehealth from home and aren’t necessarily limited to those commutable therapists! There’s a lot of great specialists.

VAN - NHL :61012:

fifteen years ago we were the bitterest of enemies, now I can listen to Chelsea Dagger without curling up into the fetal position