Started reading in 2017(I was 22) cause I had a lot of down time at work and I couldn’t be on my phone and I ran out of new manga to read.

I actually started with the assassin creed tie in books(only cause I was familiar with the IP) went to stormlight next and fell in love with the genre. I’m more into progression fantasy now though(because of my manga/anime roots).

My current favorite series are Dungeon Crawler Carl, The Immortal Great souls series, Godclads, 12 Miles below, Cradle, Empire of the Vampire and The will of the many

Like he said Heavens arena is broadcasted around the world in TV. That alone is enough interaction to garner interest eventually.

I know it takes long to learn nen but that doesn’t matter. Theres a kid out there who saw someone perform a magic trick and decided to be a magician when he grew up. Its that simple. Eventually someone would learn it and literally have no reason to not tell his friends and family about it. Then it slowly grows and spreads from there. Again theres literally billions of humans in the world. Even if most don’t care thats still millions of ways it can and should get out. There should be companies trying to market nen, tv shows about what nen is, how you can buy a nen starter kit, books written about popular nen users, etc etc etc. its an interesting concept no matter how you slice. Theres no way humans wouldnt be interested enough to pursue it.

Come on thats silly and you know it. Especially for nerds like us. If I see a magic trick on the side of the road I think about it for the next 2 weeks. Eventually someone out of literal billions of people would be interested enough to pursue it pass a fleeting thought

Bro thats not true. I know that because (and I mean this sincerely) I know you’re not an idiot. If you see multiple unexplained super human and insane things happen I know you would think about it hard enough to know theres more to it.

In real life if you see someone pull a rabbit out of a hat, you don’t say “welp I guess thats just something that guy can do”. Common sense says theres a trick to it and you can learn it if you put the effort into it. Now multiply that by a thousand when you see someone make a clone of himself and cause random explosions that kills a bunch of people. I don’t believe anyone on earth is that obtuse

Bro thank you! I’ve been saying this for a while!! HxH is an amazing series but it definitely has its flaws and plotholes. This is one of themm

It literally makes no sense the world doesn’t know. I know if I was someone with a lot of money and I saw someone flying or shooting lazers out their eyes I would put some considerable effort to figuring how I can learn to do that. Then once I learned I would probably sell the knowledge to make even more money.

In a modern world its virtually impossible to keep something that massive a secret, especially if its constantly being shown on tv.

Its like if aliens came down every weekend, walked among us, answered questions on live television for us but somehow its still regarded as a secret that aliens exist. Its ridiculous

I love Godclads! I normally hate litrpgs but I’ll check this out since I love the authors work

Wait what are yall talking about? Tatsumaki is like the 5th strongest character we’ve met in the series. She definitely in that higher tier of power. It goes:

Sataima Cosmic Garou Blast The dimension slash guy(can’t remember his name) Tatsumaki

I agree with the other commenter that Flashy Flash is a good gate keeper of that higher tier. Tatsumaki is definitely closer in strength to the dimension slash guy the Flashy is to Tatsumaki.

I’ve never tried the wandering inn because everything I’ve ever heard about it sounds like something I wouldn’t like.

Yea I’m not a character reader and I hate anything close to slice of life. Its just not for me

He who fights with Monsters- Honestly not because of the MC but more because of the general pacing and plot structure. Way too much talking and not enough plot(at least in the first 2 books)

The Weirkey Chronicles- The only thing interesting about this series to me was the magic system and the initial premise. The magic usage itself is boring, the worldbuilding is weirdly stale even though it has a cool concept and the action scenes are way too simplistic and anticlimactic

Dungeon Crawler Carl is exactly the story you’re looking for

I agree. I always thought it feels more realistic for characters to have flings and random hookups, especially in high stress situations.

I’ll give this series a pass though cause theres probably no where to do it where billions a people won’t be able to watch. Maybe in the bathroom but still

Sooooooo cool. Soooooo excited!!!!

Agreed. Thats the fight I would love to see. Hell give sukuna both curse tools he used back then too. It would be a fun fight

Got like 50% into the second Commerce Emperor book. I still love the writing and the worldbuilding but idk something not clicking with me. Theres too much talking and very little action. Too much relationship talk between characters(even though I love the characters) and I can’t help but think most scenes tend to go on way too long. I’m putting it down for now and maybe I’ll come back to it later

Dungeon Crawler Carl will definitely make you want to destroy the world with Carl

Well said. I loved book 2 but 1 and 3 weren’t anything special to me. Personally I’ll keep reading but it might not be a day 1 read anymore

It also doesn't have layers, it's the most railroaded system of progression I'm currently aware of you just work your way from one level to the next and hope original you got something neat at that point.

I feel like you’re purposely ignoring all the other facets of the system.

The 9 different mana types and their corresponding characteristic, the different techniques for manipulating the mana, the ingenious hearts themselves and there capabilities(depth, reactivity, size etc), the different abilities granted by leveling up(shrouds, ferula’s, etc) the trials and there different avenues to attack(yea there is only 2 choices per trial but that still adds up to about 20 different routes they could have went) alongside the varied and specific abilities. All that mixed together for every single character makes it complex and layered by sheer volume of choices and stylistic sensibilities

The lack of choice for the ability themselves does not make it less intricate or complex(no different from most litrpg systems) You just don’t like it(which is fair but doesn’t take away from the creativity) mainly cause from a meta perspective we can see the amount of different routes any character can go

The character making an educated choice and looking at their own strengths, weaknesses and preferences to determine if they want to be a ranged or melee fighter for instance is much more rooted who they are then what they picked in a dream quest.

Picking their super power is definitely not more indicative in who they are over living through their past lives and growing more in-tuned with who they were and who they want to be.

The unique abilities thing was fine when people had one or two, at four and counting it's a mess.

It’s chaotic not a mess. From the perspective of the characters having more choices and avenues of attack is a way for them to advance. Personally I would prefer that then have generic fire ball. I don’t understand how its any different then the magic system of Naruto, most characters in that series had several different abilities each as well.

It is good for ass pulls and deus ex machina granted, for me at least that's not a benefit.

This is Only if the ability isnt hinted at or implemented correctly. So far Phil Tucker hasn’t had this problem.

This comment I disagree the most with. The magic system and progression system is one of Bastion’s main appeals. Its definitely something more unique and layered then Cradle’s magic system.

The system doesn’t allow them to pick their powers directly because they choose what kind of person they want to be and the power manifests accordingly. That’s infinitely more interesting then another story of a guy crafting from his spell book to get generic elemental magic. Bastion’s magic is rooted in an aspect of character building and development. Thats fun and interesting

The unique abilities for everyone is what makes each character feel important and noteworthy and not just “side character #3”. It makes every fight feel chaotic and fun and random where you don’t know what’s gonna happen next or how Scorio will overcome an obstacle. It makes even side characters have an impact on the story because their specific ability might be just what the characters need to move forward. And more then anything it shows the authors range and creativity

Yea but if you want more in depth world building, a more intricate story and a chance to live and breath in the setting then Bastion is your way to go over Cradle.