This comment scares me

That looks way beter than it has any right to be

i think its mostly done

my other favorate ship is Dalv x Honeydew shopkeeper

THATS WHY MODS EXIST! the hyrule restoration project is one like that

you can, you just need to open your router to port forwarding, then i would have to give my real ip, but since the ip alone doesnt tell you much, i might do that

Its a mod, you can google the download and there is like 1000 drive links to it, or u can get it from the releases page at the github linked, i can send the yt link to the setup guide

BOTW multiplayer server release3rd Party App Development

I wanted to have a place to play botw multiplayer with other people, like how subnautica nitrox works, so i created a server and thing set up. to get the link and the hamachi connections, visit the download links are also in the releases (i did not make the mod)

Botw multiplayer 24/7 server!
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Its exactly a mothers love, when that phase three bit hits, 🤌 perfect

I would like for green sans to win but he probobly wouldnt

Papyrus, beacuse sans would then not kill me because it would make his brother sad, and then i think we could take the rest, alphys and martlet would be a joke, im good at the undyne fight, asgore is easy, same with toriel. the only ones im concerned about is flowey and gaster, flowey could POSSABLEY reset unless i have more DT, but assuming i could get my LOVE up on the others he shouldnt be to bad. Gaster is the most concerning, but i have a technicality. Because unless my FUN value is 66, he shouldnt be able to do anything. but if thats not how this is ment to work, than i have no idea

Jokes on you i fliped my head


Bro, this is an OLD OLD meme