Cemu the Wii U Emulator

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Cemu 2.0 announcement. Linux builds, open-source and more
Cemu 2.0 release

Hey everyone, I'm very excited to finally reveal a very special update for Cemu.

The big news first: This update marks a new chapter for Cemu. Starting today we will transition to an open-source model for development. Our github repository is already available and anyone can contribute or study our codebase, but more about this later.

We now also offer Linux builds, albeit not in the most straightforward way. Right now you still have to compile Cemu yourself for most distros. However, we are looking into adding appimage or flatpak releases for convenience. Be aware that the Linux version of Cemu isn't fully fleshed out yet. It should generally work fine, but there are some remaining issues, most of them related to the UI.

You might be wondering why this release is called 2.0 instead of following our usual three-number pattern (e.g. 2.0.0). We are using the opportunity to simplify the versioning a bit by shortening the version numbers. So going forward the next numbered releases would be 2.1, 2.2 etc.

Besides all the organizational changes there are also the usual bug fixes and feature additions in this release. Just like in the past, you can find the full list on our changelog page.

A disclaimer: This is a pretty substantial update with lots of internal changes. As such it should be seen as experimental. If you want to try it out, you have to manually download it for now. We'll consider auto-updating Cemu installations that are on 1.27.x to 2.0 once we get enough feedback about the stability.

On a personal note...

Usually I keep these types of announcement posts free of personal backstories. But this is a special occasion and it's maybe interesting to know a little bit of background info.

As you may know, I am the lead developer and founder of Cemu. Since earlier this year I am also the sole developer of Cemu. The other long-term core developer, Petergov, has moved on to other personal projects a couple of months ago. His swan song was the big input rework we had in December.

I have been working on Cemu for almost 8 years now, watching the project grow from an experiment that seemed infeasible, to something that, at it's peak, was used by more than a million people. Even today, when the Wii U has been mostly forgotten, we still get a quarter million downloads each month. There are still so many people enjoying Wii U games with Cemu and I will be eternally grateful that I got the chance to impact so many people's life in a positive way, even if just a tiny bit.

But over the past two years I also have developed a growing feeling of being "stuck". I still enjoy working on Cemu, but it eats up all of my spare time, meaning there is no room left for any other programming projects or hobbies. Whenever I tell myself to make time for other things, I end up feeling guilty because my self-inflicted sense of responsibility drives me to always prioritize Cemu over my own interests. This year was especially intense because I single-handedly ported Cemu to Linux while also trying to deliver somewhat constant feature and bug fix updates.

In the end, opening up development seems like the logical decision. It has always been the long-term plan anyway. With Cemu being open-source, the hope is that new contributors will pick up where I left of. This is not to say that I will abandon Cemu, I'll just take on more of a background role, still contributing code but not on a full-time basis.

How will all of this affect Cemu?

In the immediate future, probably not much will change or happen. It will take a bit of time for any interested developers to become familiar with the codebase before they can make any significant changes. I do believe that certain parts, like Linux compatibility, will see a pretty quick boost in progress as other developers simply have more experience with Linux development than I have.

Then there are questions like how will we handle releases in the future. I can't really give you a definitive answer right now but one thing that we already started to set up are daily cutting-edge builds. We'll probably also have some form of stable and experimental releases but the details are still uncertain.

I think the biggest win from going open-source is that having more developers (assuming people are interested in contributing) will allow for more attention towards issues that were previously considered too low priority due to time constraints. For example, we are missing some convenience features, like being able to stop/restart emulation. These features can take a lot of time to implement but aren't difficult to do per se. The OpenGL backend could be made more compatible with older hardware that would otherwise be performant enough to run many Wii U games. And there is also housekeeping work that remains to be done as we still have legacy C code left over from the early days of Cemu (Cemu used to be written almost exclusively in the C programming language). Having a tight release schedule didn't give us a lot of spare time to go back and correct old mistakes or fix up code.

For C/C++ developers who want to contribute:

If you are interested in contributing or just want to ask questions about Cemu's codebase, you can come and visit our discord where we have created a channel for developer discussion. I know that Discord isn't everyone's thing, so we are also looking into setting up an IRC bridge in the future.

Why did we pick Mozilla Public License 2.0?

Most emulators are licensed under the GPL. But our stance on it is that the infectious nature of it prevents a lot of legitimate reuse of the source code. Anything that links GPL, or statically links LGPL, also becomes GPL/LGPL which is often not desirable. Being previously closed source, we know the struggle and already had to step around GPL licensed libraries.

In a perfect world, we would have gone with a very liberal license like MIT. But it opens up too many doors for hostile or damaging behavior towards Cemu, so instead we picked a license which is somewhere in the middle. MPL has most of the advantages that GPL has, but isn't infectious and allows even closed source projects to use parts of our source. Only modifications need to be made available as source.

Final words

Last but not least, I want to thank everyone who supported us along the way. Special thanks to all our Patrons who made this project stay afloat in the first place.

Sometimes I get the question of what I will do after Cemu (with which I'm not done yet!). I think I'll take a break from emulator development, but knowing myself I'll eventually return because I'm craving the challenge. I could also see myself sticking with Cemu as a side-project for a very long time. Who knows.

Best regards,

Pinnedby Exzap:Gold-Shield: Cemu Dev
Setting up controller hotkeys:Question: Troubleshooting

Hi! This is my first day setting up emulation station and all emulators. I've been able to set up hotkeys on all the emulators but I'm stuck on cemu, can't find a hotkeys option in the settings menu, would appreciate some help on the same, thanks!;

Can I play all Skylanders games with giants portal? :Question: Question

I just have giants portal and some figures. Can I play other games on cemu? Or do I still need other portals?

Wii pointer hand not showing up- Could anyone help:Question: Troubleshooting

So I was going to play wii party u on cemu when I realized my pointer for my wiimote wasn't showing up. I'm using a real wiimote. Could anyone help it's really annoying.


is there a chance that it would be possible to use the wii u gamepad on cemu:Question: Question

is there a chance that it would be possible to use the wii u gamepad on cemu if we were to use the console in such a way of taking it apart and putting certain components to use on pc and adding the wiiu menu to pc?

bit of a random question i doubt it would work but its worth an ask

Xenoblade Chronicles XTutorial

Just finished Xenoblade Chronicles X and all I can say is what absolute gem of a game. Everything about it was fantastic. Like every aspect of the game Graphics(even for today), Gameplay(mechs hello), Music, and Story.

One of thee best jrpg ost of all time. I had no clue that Sawano Hiroyuki did the entire soundtrack. That is nuts. If you don't know who he is look him up. He is legendary. To actually have the budget to afford him is crazy.

The following are my settings ...

I ran it on my intel 8700k and rtx 3080 PC and it ran great. I could imagine it can run on much lower GPUs as the 3080 crushes it even with a ancient cpu.

I played it on 2 monitors where I had the gamepad on one screen using the mouse to click, and of course the main screen on my main monitor.

I also played it on my 55 inch TV where I used the xbox controller's select button to toggle the gamepad screen and use a wireless mouse to click on to it.

Having fluidity with the gamepad makes your whole life easier. So trust me. You can have a seperate window for the gamepad just drag it to your second monitor. It will make your experience so much easier

The game ran at 120fps and did well with my monitor sync tech(and TV).

Used a wireless xbox controller as the controller. Mapping to the right buttons. (make sure to change the A B X Y buttons. For some reason they weren't matching.

This was on CEMU 2.0-82 Experimental if you cant launch try another version. This version works. I had issues with 83 and 84 so keep that in mind. Versions do matter.

Graphic Pack Settings

  • Enhancements
    • Anti-Aliasing -> Nvidias FXAA
    • Contrasty -> Default
    • Negative Texture LOD -> Default
  • Mods
    • Blade
      • More Reward Tickets -> (Gain more Tickets x5), Yes
      • Offline Squad Tasks and Missions-> Random
  • HUD
    • Change time from eManual
  • FPS++ For XCX -> 60FPS Limit(Default) We will use NVIDIA control panel settings to increase this later.
  • Hide Offline Label
  • Workarounds
  • Graphics -> Resolution 4k(1080p if you want my tv was 4k so that is what i set it on also the engine likes the graphics card running hotter, I'll explain more later), Skell CockPit Resolution High, Shadow Quality High, Post-Processing Effect Quality High

General Settings

  • Graphics
    • Graphics API -> Vulkan
    • Graphics Device -> Your Graphics Card Model Here
    • VSync -> Off
    • Async Shader Compile -> On
    • Upscale Filter -> Bicubic
    • Downscale Filter -> Bilinear
    • Full Screen Scaling-> Stretch

Everything else default in General Settings. Turn off all Overlay stuff except FPS(if you want), Account online should be off obviously, Debug disabled,

Edit game profile(right click on game and click on this)

  • General
    • Load Shared Libraries -> On
    • CPU -> Mode: Multi-Core Recompiler, Thread Quantum-> 100000 cycles
  • Graphics
    • Graphics API -> Vulkan
    • Shader Multiplication Accuracy -> True

Nvidia Control Panel Settings for Cemu(If you have NVidia card, Right click on desktop and select Nvidia Control Panel)

  • Manage 3D Settings
    • Program Settings
      • Select Cemu.exe(you can add cemu but it should find it)
      • Vertical Sync -> Fast
      • Power Management -> Max

I did experience a lot of artifacting and pixelation craziness that others have faced. Polygon Frenzy. I did solve this. And had none through out my gameplay with the settings above. People suggested dialing the GPU up; so increase the load, to fix the problem. Oddly enough I think there is some logic to this*. So that is why I turned my Nvidia Control Panels to Vertical Sync Fast and Power Management on Max. After which it was perfect. I will say I do have my graphics card mildly overclocked so if you want you can download afterburner and tick it up to get the GPU to work harder and stop the textures popping in and out. Its weird you have to do this and others might not have this issue at all.*

Once the shaders build in the game it gets a lot smoother really quick. You probably won't even notice.

Lastly I did use Reshade (entirely optional but easy to setup). You can download ReShade from its website. I used 6.1.1. Any works. Just make sure you select cemu when installing. I used these packages. This is again very optional and the game looks good without it.

  • Clarity.fx
  • Curves.fx
  • Vibrance.fx
  • RadiantGI.fx

I will say the game is very grindy near the mid to end. Don't be afraid to turn on a lot of cheats in the graphics pack section. I'm too old to spend 40 extra hours grinding.

Just wanted to write this post out as i loved the game and wanted to help people also experience it. I bought it for my WiiU awhile back but then I lost it in a move and they never ported it so I hope they at least port it to the Switch. But until then enjoy it on your PC. :)

Fixing The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth?:Question: Troubleshooting

[Have you reviewed the Cemu Guide]: Yes

[Cemu Version]: 2.0-88

[CPU Model]: AMD Phenom X4 955

[GPU Model]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

[Laptop or Desktop]: Desktop

[Explain the issue in detail and what you've tried]: Every time I play the game, it seems to crash seemingly randomly when moving between rooms or floors, but always crashes or at least freezes during/after the last boss fight cutscene or credits. I can't move forward in the game and every time I must replay from the beginning.

[Log.txt Pastebin Link]: https://pastebin.com/3G0uqpVp

How to get the mii maker working on steam deck?:Question: Question

i cant find any good tutorials or download links.

my cemu window is tiny when running on my 4k monitor, how can i fix it?:Question: Troubleshooting

ive tried dpi settings in the exe preferences but i dont think thats worked, all the responses ive found are just to change that though

Xbox Controller Stopped Working on Emulators but is Connected:Question: Troubleshooting

Before you get mad at me, I've spent a hours trying to fix this myself. I was using it with Cemu and then it just stopped working, so I thought it was the batteries, but it wasn't. It stopped working with both Cemu and Dolphin, but it's connected and working in Xbox Accessories, and I can't figure out what to try now.

This doesn't seem to be Cemu related but I couldn't post in Gaming. Any help would be awesome.

Wireless (tried plugging in too)

Windows 10


Apparently I just had to delete and reconfigure the controller in the Input Settings of Cemu. A little embarrassed to be honest.


cemu cant see my generic controller (Linux, SDL):Question: Question

Hello everyone, im into a strange problem. Im using a cheap ass generic controller for gaming and decided to give CEMU a run, it cant see my controller in SDL (It's connected with USB, i dont thing there is another protocol i can use). I can play everything that is in Steam and it runs in PCSX2 too but CEMU cant see my controller.

What can i do about it?


Note: It's a new install, and not only happens in one distro.

Note2: Im using OpenSUSE Tumbleweed so compatibility shouldnt be a problem by its a bleeding edge distro. It used to happen in other Linux-based OSes too but i forgot what i tried it on, probably CachyOS (Arch based) or sth .

using emulated skylanders in steamdeck's gaming mode:Question: Question

I want to play skylanders in gaming mode without a portal. Normally you bring up a window to switch skylanders. Is there a way to bring this window up in gaming mode or map changing skylanders to a keybind?

DS4 for ps4 controller:Question: Question

Where are the downloads to this, all pages are 404 error. If anyone has it, could you mind sharing it with me