Morons. Brainwashed Morons believe this stuff. Religion is the real mind virus.

This guy was designed to die on the battlefield at 16.

They are trying to rebrand oppression as sexy. Incels and misogynists pay big money for the fan fic.

Men that view women’s personality as their breast size. The same guys crying about dick size.

This crap just proves the bear is better than the guys posting and liking these hateful comments. They are just irrationally angry to have it sprayed in their faces.

I can make up stupid bullshit too. 165 million men genetically wired to kill each other. 165 million women genetically wired to cooperate.

Pretty sure one man will be banging every woman at the rate incel rhetoric evolves.

Men self owning again. These same guys scream and cry that women get the kids in a divorce. Shackled by their own biases.

It was exactly this attitude that gave us Clearance Thomas and Trump’s 3 supreme court nominations that overturned settled law RvW

Let’s give it the pepsi challenge. Nail him to a cross and see if he comes back from the dead.

This guy has zero niches and is an evolutionary dead end.

Men proud to be inferior to wild animals.