Realistically, when you say “tank”, that would mean getting full hit by it with no defense? I’m going to assume at full strength with chakra still enhancing their durability. Since I think to assume she just gets a free haymaker to the chest, you could argue that no one can tank that with no power ups.

Keep in mind that her feats prior to Shippuden are obviously not reputable due to the obvious difference in capabilities shown during her later feats.

Her biggest strength feat would be (that I can see): 1. One shorting Madara to explode 2. Breaking Susanoo undeveloped ribs 3. Knocking down a full Susanoo with 1 shot I believe

Edo are canonically and factually stated to be less durable. The reaction of which her punch blew Madara’s body up is similar to a base Rasengan. And Rasengan pretty regularly does not literally blow a target’s body part (usually). But it does knock them the fuck out if they’re not of a certain strength (usually strong ppl knocked down from it are already weakened). Obviously this is Naruto’s base Rasengan by WA (so I’m saying this is very strong).

I’m also considering that Naruto big ball sack Rasengan’d an Edo Nagato summon and it did not literally blow up the physical body of the summon. Obviously it got rid of it (aka killed or knocked out), but it didn’t blow a literal whole through it. And I’m assuming that the summons are not really any more durable from a proportionate standpoint.

So off of that logic, I’d probably say:

Anyone Sannin level and up, as long as they’re not just letting it hit with no defense. Again, assuming they have their guard up and can reinforce their bodies with chakra, since anyone not reinforcing obviously does not have more than ninja human strength/durability (aside from the obvious non-human types).

At the end of the day, at least I know Deidara can kill both of them if he wants 💀

Iconic is Sasuke by far but Gojo is the only one to literally steal the show imo

Itachi was always a more natural fighter. But Sasuke’s peak potential was always greater; it just hadn’t been hit yet. Obviously we don’t know how strong Itachi could have gotten, especially if he got EMS. But considering how strong he was in Edo, it’s safe to assume he still had a limited peak compared to Sasuke’s.

Talent beats hardwork until it doesn’t.

Average sorcerer won’t get any p*say if they have Rika. She’ll kill them all

At a high competitive level, tier 0 formats, or 3 deck, formats are the best. Personally I love triangle formats. I see the advantages from a high level of competition in tier 0s but I think they’re boring.

Depends on the stage. If this is in downtown Brooklyn, Joey becomes an Outerversal threat

Kabuto even tho I hate saying it since I just don’t like his character

If it were just Madara pre death given his war arc rinnegan, and Itachi with the same rinnegan, I think that actually would be very interesting. Assuming no sickness.

But Madara’s chakra and fighting abilities are on a different level from Itachi’s. Itachi could be considered more intelligent but I doubt that to be enough to balance out the difference in power.

Facts. But the question really to ask in the Pain fight is why wouldnt Pain go max speed early to knock out Naruto? He was able to keep up that speed for awhile, while spamming defense jutsus on Kyuubi mode 8 tails. So clearly it wasn’t a thing of conserving chakra in this scenario.

The other thing is that 99% of these high speed characters have plenty of chakra and there isn’t anything proving it takes a lot of chakra to go super fast. Similarly to walking on walls or water.

Sometimes you can credit it to the speed is only what it looks like to us as viewers, but the canonical speed of the scene is faster than what we get to see. Since otherwise we’d see nothing really. But that doesn’t solve the issue of inconsistencies of speed usage and characters’ abilities to perceive others’ speed.

Which then yea it can be a thing of using their abilities. But that doesn’t take away from the fact of the illogical usage.

Pain was fast asf, considering he was basically keeping up with wild 8 tail Kyuubi mode. Pain just couldn’t hurt him lol.

Nagato is also not the same body as Yahiko, so that may be relevant, but honestly doubt Nagato is supposed to be fast?

Speed scaling in Naruto is horrendous, though, would be the easiest answer to any scenario.

Speed scaling in anime (Naruto way more than others) is always extremely random to fit the narrative of the plot.

Bops fw the bad boy

Wifies fw the gentleman

Didn’t realize how many MHA fanboys there are here

I misinterpreted what this title meant for a sec

Depends. Is the fight taking place on the side of a sidewalk?

Minetta is so perverted ppl don’t even think of it as being perverted, and instead think of it as downright disgusting and unforgivable 💀

This version of Orochimaru gets stomped by Sage Jiraiya, especially with Ma/Pa. This version of Oro and the Edo Hokage scale low to Shippuden. This version of Jiraiya is a slight tier below Pain. And this version of Oro stands 0 chance against Pain.