Severe TBI (1990)

This doesn't cut it for me, but I'm glad it gave you some peace.

Intractable (TBI)

All the time. It's so weird. Logically, I know I'm in severe pain, but I sometimes convince myself I'm a fraud, and am exaggerating. Am I making up this nausea or dizziness? Am I really having an aura or hallucinations? Why don't I just suck it up? Constant self doubt. :(

Severe TBI (1990)

Completely agree. I agree with everything you've posted here. Thanks for explaining it so well and making it so understandable.

Severe TBI (1990)

I've been torturing myself with these questions for the past couple years. I flip flop, all the time.

I think I'm settled on being agnostic/curious. I ultimately don't know, and I am choosing to live my life in the best, most honest, most helpful ways I can.

If there is a God, WHY do so many bad, cruel, horrendous things things happen? I would argue the "God loves you, He saved you" trope is BS.

I've been SUFFERING, 24/7, for 30+ years, how is that love???

The other part of my mind thinks how could so many beautiful things and the intricacies of all life NOT be from a higher power?

All a mystery. :/ Thanks for the thought provoking question. I love hearing peoples' opinions.

Intractable (TBI)

Fantastic!! Enjoy!!

I noticed some thinning a few eps ago (never thought of calling it out.) High stress, hormones, medications, medical conditions and so much more can contribute.

Intractable (TBI)

Never. I get very nauseous, things down south get interesting, sometimes, but I’ve never vomited.

Severe TBI (1990)

That's not true.

As a 30+ year migraine sufferer (from a TBI), pain killers and Benadryl ARE given as migraine treatment, in certain situations. Benadryl is a super common migraine treatment. There are MANY migraine treatment options, not just triptans. (I think an MRI would show more than a CT.)

It's a storyline. All scripted. (imo)

I tend to assume "everything" is a storyline, for the show and $.

For me, it felt like nothing. I don't remember anything. I didn't hear voices or see a light. Just a time void.

I'm in the US, watch on Paramount+ and it's nearly pitch black!! Seriously cannot see.

Intractable (TBI)

Ooh, good tip. I'm going to Google and try. Thanks

Intractable (TBI)

It took me way too long to understand that it was connected to migraines.

I don’t like when there’s an over abundance of props. You generally don’t need ALL of them. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Intractable (TBI)

Yep, I tell my husband 'my teeth HURT' during bad ones. The throbbing is intense.

My dad had polio, also, as a child. His feet are deformed (for lack of a better word) and walking is extremely difficult; he can't go on any 'outings,' and can only walk small distances. He now (mid 70's) falls a lot because his legs have little to no strength. He has tried medications and physical therapy- nothing has helped. He is in pain constantly. He also now has post polio syndrome. His life has been really hard.

It was a fun moment. He seems like a cool person.

Severe TBI (1990)

This is fantastic! As someone who 'lives' in the dark, with intractable migraines, I am SO HAPPY for you.