I was at the hospital last night I had called 911. I was there till 1 to 6 until I finally got a room. I recently had a brain bleed and mild concussion I also have active Crohn’s. Last night was terrifying I thought I was having another brain bleed. When I finally get back to a room, they give me fluids and they want to give me Dilaudid and Benadryl. Now, if you don’t know what Dilaudid is it’s a really strong painkillers. However, immediately because of my past with Benadryl I told them I don’t want it. Because of this, the doctor then takes away the pain medicine and tells me that because I won’t take the Benadryl the medicine he wants to give he will just give me fluids. Later my head erupts again and I give in taking Benadryl, IT DOES NOT HELP. I am bawling and screaming and the doctor says that’s all he can give me for a headache. I’m allergic to a lot so it’s hard to give me some meds. Now I fear I’ve been red flagged and judged when it’s because I used to abuse Benadryl. I try my best to never take it and I hate how it makes me feel. Now I feel like he labeled me maybe red flagged me and just overall felt his actions were very rude despite how cheerful he seemed. He wasn’t rude in words or face but his actions made me really sad. I suffer everyday since that brain bleed…just doesn’t seem fair.

I suffered the Brain bleed may 17th spent 5 days in the hospital ICU last day in a regular room u had dealt with it since May 10th.

June 8th mild concussion