Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

r/TBI17.5K subscribers2 active
r/TBI - Suggestions for 'link flair'Need Advice

Hello all,

Recently we have gotten some requests to add 'link flair' options for posts. Before doing so, we wanted to open up this thread to members for suggestions on what the most helpful/useful/desired flairs would be.

Feel free to leave suggestions in the thread and we will begin adding them as well as add in a way to filter/sort posts by these flairs as well.

Cheers, mod team

Pinnedby loldiFormer TBI Researcher
Welcome to our newest moderator, Duck_Walker!

Thank you to those of you who comments on our previous 'call for moderators' sticky. We're pleased to bring on /u/Duck_Walker to the mod team.

Be sure to welcome them by following all the rules and causing minimal ruckus!

Pinnedby loldiFormer TBI Researcher
Happy 4th. Random thoughts

Lately there has been a lot of relationship posts , as in how, is it possible etc. last night I met up with an old female friend I knew before the TBI/wreck. It wasn’t a date or anything, but we’ve had relations in the past. Between last night and my 3 hilarious bumble/hinge dates, I am now officially very confident in saying - myself or any person worried about finding a relationship after the TBI/no job….do not worry. At all lol. The previous dating app dates prepared me for last night . It was very loud, very busy. We can ALL do this shit. Confidence is key. And get out there. Be easy on yourself and be intentional! We’re gonna mess up…that’s life, and it makes it interesting at least lol, but we’ve got this. ‘Merica

Over 18 questionnsfwSpoiler

Am a man for reference. So one odd thing I’ve noticed since coming home, orgasms just feel different. Not better or worse just different. Can anyone relate?

So pretty personal question so I understand if I get 0 responses but it’s just one of those symptoms that I don’t think many people are willing to bring up.

SI with multiple concussionsnsfw

I have been working with a therapist for over a year and yet continue to struggle with passive SI despite practicing all the strategies they have taught me. They aren't "triggered" by anything, more so appear organicly. I personally feel my history of repeated concussions thus far in my life have contributed based on everything mental health wise has improved except these thoughts. Has anyone had a similar experience or know what medical professional may help? 💖

*** I am not actively planning anything, all passive, and seeking to know if others have experienced similar things ***

Alone or Lonely
Alone or LonelyRandom Question :snoo_thoughtful:

I have always called myself an “aloner, not a loner” for the first time in my life I am not sure is there a difference?

How many ya’ll are homeless?

I’d wager there’s a large chunk of us who end up homeless but as usual, I’m wondering about why

Recent skull fracture (but the hospital sent me home right away??)

I’ll try to not go into too much detail but not very long ago I got into an altercation that ended with me being unceremoniously attacked. long story short the hospital gave me staples and gave me my first ct scan and X-rays but they rushed me out saying I only had soft tissue damage and a cut and that I’d be fine in a week, right when they said that I knew something was up. I had the usual symptoms of a head injury but only for like a day after so I tried to believe what the doctors said. (probably because I was scared to learn about my heads previous damage) Fast forward to a few days ago the police end up telling me I have a recent skull fracture. honestly though I wouldn’t be surprised if this one wasn’t the only one I had, it felt quite mild compared to other hits to the head I’ve had it’s just I’ve never went to the hospital for them (Yes I know I’m an idiot)

I guess I’m typing this because I have a lot of anxiety about my health and don’t know what to do, I don’t even have a doctor and I have no clue how bad it is.

Sorry about the wall of text I’m just so pissed at the whole situation and especially at the hospital. like hell the other injury’s I have still aren’t better and now I’m hearing this.

Occipital lobe damage?

This isn’t a TBI post. More-so ABI, as the injury was not externally caused. Just wondering if anyone on here has occipital lobe damage like I do?

try out fish oil/omega 3 if you haven't already it's changed me for the better

just wanted to drop in again and just say that the best supplement by far i've taken is fish oil. a little bit of everything has been improved. dha is a building back for the brain which is in fish oil so it's not surprising it can help so much. give it a try and experiment. i take a bit more than the recommended amount but it gives me the perfect amount of energy and clarity for my brain. too much gives a bit of a headache though.

How can I afford this? help!

burnt out partenr had to leave job for my care which is all the time

has to help me manage most things

I have forgetfulness severe confusion in bouts cognitive issues

I get confused at night so not sleep for us more of the time

before he was working I was not eating or doing anything from forgetting

the time I went to the dr myself in a medicab I couldn't get home

he works from home some smaller things not making anything at all really barley enough for living

really we have no money just zero

we have no savings

partner needs major dental work

we are living with a family member but that cant be forever she is elerly and moving into care

I am not working and cant manage much on my own not dr appointment or more than basic care

how can we have enough money

anything at all

we have food stamps I am working toward disability but not much progress

this is not sustainable

thanke for any help full suggestions

Real Life TBI aftermath

in docu-series "Worst Roommate Ever" Season 2 Episode 2, currently streaming on Netflix.

It's not intended to focus on the person's TBI specifically, but it definitely put things into a fresh perspective. A relatable one, for me. When the symptoms of your injury are finally given a medically recognized label, it somehow feels empowering. It feels like being *seen*.

As an aside, the entire series --both seasons-- are worth watching.

by Musefoddermultiple TBI (1985/1996/2001/2005/2015/2017/2021)
How is CTE determined in elderly TBI people?

I know CTE can only be diagnosed after death. So what if a person develops it and is having symptoms? How is that diagnosed? Considering the stigma around CTE and how sports celebrities with CTE went psycho crazy and killed their family out of no where, it would seem important to diagnose it before someone becomes dangerous. Or are those special cases? Maybe the average person doesn't become a danger?

Awareness stickers

I’m thinking about making stickers to help support awareness of brain injuries and neurodivergence! Is this something you might be interested in buying ?

Emotional Flooding

I am curious how many other TBI survivors here know about or experience emotional flooding. I have just been able to identify what I had been experiencing for almost 2 years as emotional flooding. It feels good to be able to label it and see that it’s not just me who has this particular experience after my TBI. So please, if you go through this too I would love to hear your experience and what you do to manage / deal with it when you’re in it.

So grateful for this community in helping me feel like I’m not the only one!

I think I got another concussion
I think I got another concussion

About a year ago a hit my head skiing and have never really been the same the headaches and nausea have gone away but I still have constant brain fog and am generally an idiot and today I got in a fight with my freaind and he punched me in the face a couple of times and I think i got another concussion I’m kinda scared I’m a goddam idiot already and I can’t go any farther down that road I don’t know what to do

Doom or life

Is there life after a tbi?

Can you have relationships, jobs and be functional?

Everyone says you can recover but not to who you were before? What does that mean exactly?

Do you recover 10% of your brain or 70% of your brain Because if its 10% that's not a way to live if it's 70% then great. People say it's small gains. Does that mean I'll be unable to think properly for the rest of my life or will I be able to have a train of thought? Will my energy levels come back? Will my emotions and adrenaline come back?

I just want to know what the best case I can recover to? And please no sugar coating I just want to know what I should be expecting

Feel like the nerves in my body “flash” when I move or look around?
Does anyone else feel like the nerves in their body “flash” when they move or look around?Symptoms

I’m not sure how to describe this and I can’t figure out if it’s pots.

When I move anything (even my eyes) I feel like the nerves in my body flash with something like adrenaline or cortisol (something that feels stressful).

Is this POTS or something else?

Macula disappeared after latest TBI. Anyone else experience this?

Unfortunately, I had another TBI 2.5 months ago. I had a retinal scan which revealed my macula had disappeared on the side of TBI impact. Light sensitivity leading to eye pain and migraine has spiked badly (strongest around that eye). Even though I have tried a variety of tinted glasses, none are enough to mitigate what happens essentially every time I leave the house to go anywhere (summer sunshine). Currently taking Amitryptiline, Emgality and Nurtec preventatives with Rizatryptin and/ or Diclofenac when migraine hits.

Has anyone else experienced this? What did you do to treat it? How long did it take to get better?

Best work from home jobs for my dad who is a TBI survivor?

Here's the story, my soon to be 69 year old dad got into a bike accident 13 years ago that nearly killed him. Now he has been mostly recovered for the past 5 years has been looking for jobs and has been focusing on work from home jobs for the past year. He is very good with computers and despite suffering from a traumatic brain injury, still has most of his computer knowledge but now has short term memory loss but he has ways to cope. He will take any work from home job that isn't customer support. I have also been searching for a job for the past 6 years but except for some interviews, no success but lets not make this about me, make this about my dad. With that said, what are some good work from home jobs for my dad?Please be honest and again, don't make it about me. Edit: we live in the US, if that information helps at all

Severe childhood TBI left untreated

I don't understand anything that is happening to or around me except for brief moments of clarity when a bunch of variables align.

I started out with quite a bit of mental capability and was fortunately/unfortunately young enough (age 4) that I had quite a lot of time to "rehabilitate" and my oddities were seen as growing problems not a sign of a problem.

I was effectively tortured mentally and physically until I became something that would be tortured less and be numb to whatever I was forced to feel. All this with my mental faculties frozen in place.

Poisoning left me unable to absorb certain needed nutrients and I've been completely unaware of it (which ain't great).

Bloodletting set me adrift.

Seem to have some pain resulting from improperly paced orthodonture work.

Age 12-13 there was another head injury by fall. (Intentional)

Think groundhog day but you only remember the duration your focused attention lasts and it just loops into nothingness with brief flashes of a limited view of reality and sensation that would feel cold and empty to others but is extreme for me. I have to have extremely carefully set up environments to know how to function but don't have the functionality to set up my environment anymore. I've been peicing my way towards functionality in each of my moments of heightened lucidity.

I realized what happened about 3-4 years ago and it was too much for me to handle. It's taken me this long just to piece together the contributing factors to my waking up for a bit last time.

Now that coming back somewhat is a possibility I'm scared of actually having to experience the things I've been through before and after losing myself...I will have to process mountains of memories that were lived as a stranger in a higher resolution than my daily experience...Its a task.

I've had to diagnose myself, secure access to medication (which included dealing with some form of trigeminal nerve malfunction without medication for half a decade due to family beliefs.), self experiement, iterate, and troubleshoot, all while unable to even see I had such variable levels of functionality.

It's a joke what I have done with my leftovers. My noticing other people experienced things in an easier way was squashed out pretty young and I came from a nobody is going to help you in the real world family so there was a lot of value I placed in not getting help. It's been pretty shitty. I'm always the smartest person in the room, but when it's something that requires the ability to reference date not in random access memory I am incapable of speech.

Parts of my brain genuinely don't work. The more I realize has happened the less energy I have to power through. I should be on disability but my family has largely been pushing me with you should be able to do this by nows and so and so can do this and they are worse off than you.

I've also displayed myself at a basic level of human intellect despite being essentially unconscious so my family is unwilling to help or even consider I am telling the truth When I come to them in desperate moments of lucid realization they do everything they can to get me into a psychiatric facility. I broke myself to do what was asked and expected of me only to not have the ability to exist without external references and now I have to come back into an experiencial vs observational reality alone and I have no fricking clue how to not die (self inflicted) after I remember everything that has happened.

I am also in constant mind numbing pain that required an impressive level of disassociation, even by my standards, to survive.

Everything I know is contradictory to lived experience and I'm essentially unable of conscious choice and consciousness. It's objectively difficult, but I'm essentially running experiencial reality and logical reality and trying to cross reference objective reality when both sides are spitting out interference. This is a horrible fuck up by my family and doctors and now my family and doctors have left me to fix it myself and I've found a path forward that requires me being a functional person, or the help of a functional person (which I don't really have because I can't maintain relationships because everyone is effectively a different instance of the same behavioral comprehension engine.)

I'm effectively alternating between:

Having emotional response to things, which I didn't know was a thing and is a paradigm shift in perception.


Feeling nothing and saying fuck it we ball and wanting to experience as a human should while being in extreme pain.

Everything I know is telling me everything I know is both wrong and right at the same time, I have no help, no one to ask,.and it's unsafe for me to do it by myself due to the severity of my psychological issues that have developed.

I've evaluated various mental health issues such as psychosis and what I have is very far away from the model of psychotic behavior.

I'm just in pain exhausted and thought I'd share a bit. (I am not at risk for suicide or self harm.)

Monday good day - what you got going on

Doesn’t matter if it’s walking to kitchen for a drink of water. What’s your start of week victory?

by thermalshitzuSevere TBI (2022) - Category 2 DAI
Advice please

I am a 29yr old male. Just over a year ago I was involved in a car accident on my leaving do from work. Unfortunately, the car accident left me in a coma for 5 days and pta for 3 weeks.

I have made progress over this year, and I know I have already reached a stage where some people may never get to, but it's just not enough for me. I was due to be starting a new and exciting job and looking to buy my first property. Now I can't work and I'm living with my parents. It sucks so much. Ending it seems like it would be so harsh on my family and I couldn't do that to them, but having it as an option is comforting. I can't see anyone ever wanting to be with me if I can't get my life on track. I feel like I'm staring down the barrel of becoming a deadbeat old man with no accomplishments, no love, and no career.

People seem to keep telling me I'm in the early stages of recovery and I will improve, but how much improvement can you really make when it's already been a year?

Sorry for a long message, and don't feel you have to respond.

Feeling more forgetful and numb as the day is over?
Feeling more forgetful and numb as the day is over?Venting

I believe I run out of brain juice after awhile and it begins to impact my memory very slightly, more like I am numb and rather stupid. Anyone else?

Is it normal to get worse?

I’m 8 months post injury, pretty gnarly motorcycle accident. I had a laundry list of injuries but included in there was a grade 3 diffuse axonal injury. For the first month I was pretty loopy but I just assumed it was because of all the ketamine I was on. Once I got off ketamine and moved to the rehab side of the hospital I felt fine, had a little bit of memory issues but after working with a speech therapist for a week I was good and she suggested I stop seeing her. That was 7 months ago but within the last 3-4 weeks I’ve noticed that I’ve been zoning out constantly and sometimes I just forget what I’m doing. I noticed it because I’ll be playing a game that I’ve put hundreds of hours into before and after my accident and I’ll suddenly zone out or get confused on what’s happening in the game. Is it normal for this to happen? For my brain to get worse?

TLDR: I feel like my brain is getting worse. Is that normal?